What's New in Statistics . . . May 2024

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

In this month’s release: Inequality in Australia and consumption of selected foods.

Forthcoming releases

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.


  Statistical reports Release date
ABS International Investment Position: Supplementary Statistics, 2023 1 May
ABS Selected Living Cost Indexes, March 2024 1 May
JSA Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation, April 2024  1 May
ABS International Trade in Goods, March 2024 2 May
ABS Labour Force, March 2024 2 May
ABS Building Approvals, March 2024 2 May
ABS Lending Indicators, March 2024 3 May
ABS Monthly Household Spending Indicators, March 2024 3 May
ABS Research and Experimental Development, Higher Education Organisations, 2022 3 May
ABS Apparent Consumption of Selected Foodstuffs, 2022–23 3 May
AIHW National Social Housing Survey 2023 3 May
ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, July 2019–June 2023 7 May
ABS Retail Trade, March 2024 7 May
AIHW Child Protection 2021–22: Pathways from Out-of-Home Care 7 May
ABS Barriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation, December 2023 8 May
AIHW Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes During 2020 and 2021 COVID-19 Pandemic 8 May
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs, Week ending 13 April 2024 9 May
ABS Legal Assistance Services, 2022–23 9 May
ABS Federal Defendants, 2022–23 9 May
ABS Building Approvals, March 2024 9 May
ABS National Health Survey, 2022 9 May
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, March 2024 10 May
ABS Medications, 2022 (New) 10 May
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, March 2024 14 May
AIHW Health Determinants Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse People in Australia 14 May
ABS Wage Price Index, March 2024 15 May
ABS Livestock Products, March 2024 16 May
ABS Labour Force, April 2024 16 May
AIHW MyHospitals: Admitted Patient Care, 2022–23 16 May
ABS Monthly Employee Earnings Indicator, October 2023 to March 2024 21 May
ABS Retirement and Retirement Intentions, 2022–23 22 May
AIHW Suicide & Self-Harm Monitoring – Income Support Rcipients, Pople in Contact with the Criminal Justice System and Ambulance Attendance 22 May
ABS Labour Force, April 2024 23 May
AIHW Palliative Care Services in Australia 23 May
AIHW Health Service Use for People with Life–Limiting Conditions (New) 23 May
AIHW Specialist Homelessness Services 24 May
ABS Retail Trade, April 2024 28 May
AIHW Congenital Anomalies in Australia 28 May
ABS Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator, April 2024 29 May
ABS Construction Work Done, Preliminary, March 2024 29 May
AIHW The Health and Wellbeing of First Nations People in Australia's Prisons 2022 29 May
ABS Labour Force, Detailed, April 2024 30 May
ABS Building Approvals, April 2024 30 May
ABS Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, March 2024 30 May
AIHW Medicare Benefits Scheme Funded Services: Monthly Data 30 May
AIHW National Opioid Pharmacotherapy Statistics 30 May
ABS Australian Industry, 2022–23 31 May
ABS Data by Region, 2011–23 31 May
AIHW Injuries affecting Men in Australia: A Closer Look (New) 31 May

(a) Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

Recent reports

Inequality in Australia–Who is Affected and How, 2024 (ACOSS)

This new report analyses changes in inequality over time, focusing on wealth inequality by gender and age and those most impacted by income inequality.

  • Since 2003, nearly half (45%) the increase in household wealth went to the highest 10% (those with at least $2.6 million). Additionally, half of this increase went to older people (over 64 years).
  • The highest 10% of households ranked by wealth possess 44% of all wealth in Australia, averaging $5.2m per household.
  • In 2023, there were 159 billionaires in Australia with an average wealth of $3.2 billion.
  • Older people, dependent children, single people, sole parents, families with a female reference person, and adult migrants born outside major English-speaking countries were more likely to be at the lower end of the household income scale.

Apparent Consumption of Selected Foodstuffs, 2022–23  (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

This publication measures the amount of food and non-alcoholic beverages purchased from the retail sector (major supermarkets and smaller outlets).

During 2022–23:

  • 14.8 million tonnes of food and non-alcoholic beverages were sold, 1.9% less than in 2021–22.
  • The majority of the reduction came from declines in vegetables, fruit, and milk products—with Vegetables having the largest drop of 14 grams per person per day, followed by Fruit (down 12 grams) and Milk products (down 11 grams).
  • In contrast, sales of potato chips increased by 16%, chocolate by 10% and cereals and convenience meals by 9%.
  • Per capita apparent consumption of saturated fat was 35.8 grams per day, 3.5% lower than in 2021–22 (37.1 grams per day).
  • Per capita apparent consumption of sodium (salt) was 55% higher than the adult Suggested Dietary Target of 2,000 milligrams per day

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population? Each month the Parliamentary Library publishes a Flagpost article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list includes important upcoming ABS releases and reports from other research organisations and government departments.