From: Addicoat, Luke L. [] Sent: Monday, 5 August 2002 4:02 PM To: '' Subject: Life Gold Pass Can you please disregard our first submission and accept this new copy as our original. Thankyou. Maritime Union Members, Cossack Pioneer. P/O Box 995 Karratha WA 6714. The Secretary, Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Our submission will be in the form of a letter with points noted from A to I We think the members of parliament Life gold pass Bill 2002, is a bill that should be taken much further than just having a round of submissions and discussions or debate to this Life Gold Pass Bill for parliamentarians, their spouses and ordinary members of parliament and who ever else has so called eligibility rights under this act . We wish to now outline our main points of concern; A, This bill should be totally repealed at the closure of the so called senate legislation committee debate. B, The only distinguished person who should have entitlement to a gold pass is the Prime Minister of the day. C, The tax payers of Australia should not be burdened with paying for travel rights of any persons who leaves parliament or retires. D, Parliamentarians have a superannuation and other life benefits far superior to any other Australian worker. These workers do not receive any Gold Passes. We are taxed even more on our retirement from our work places . Some are not even eligible for pensions after paying taxes all their working lives supporting their families. While other bloodsuckers wrought the tax system including politicians. E, Why should tax payers support spouses of M.P's when they were not elected to parliament. They have no rights to tax payers funds. Their travel costs should be payed by themselves or their own husband or wife or whatever the marital situation. F, Ordinary members of parliament are also another drain on the public purse. They should also be made ineligible for this benefit. G, In general no member of parliament is worth a Gold Pass, so they can ride on the public's back all very smug sitting in their 1st class seats, while the poor suckers down the back are paying for them. H, Just recently politicians gave themselves another 3% pay rise, while other worker's in society have to struggle for pay justification such as nurses who care for people in society. This is one of the disgraces of this country. What's happening to the public health and hospitals systems. I, We declare that this present legislation should be totally repealed in it's present form denying eligibility to all persons under this act, with the exception of the Prime Minister of the day. M.U.A Members on board F.P.S.O "Cossack Pioneer."