From: jack stoner [] Sent: Sunday, 4 August 2002 3:07 PM To: Subject: MP.s Life Gold Pass The Secretary Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee Parliament House CABERRA Dear Sir/ Madam I wish to make a submission regarding the provisions of the Members of Parliament ( Life Gold Pass) Bill 2002 which was referred by Parliament for your consideration. In my view, there is absolutely no justification for Members of Parliament to become entitled to a Life Gold Pass, either when in office or when retired. Members of Parliament in general already have very generous travel concessions which allow them, to travel domestically and around the world on quite spurious grounds,accompanied in some cases by spouses and other administrative staff, and to suggest that this dubious distinction be extended to a "Life Gold Pass" merely because they sat in Parliament for some undefined period, is not only an absolute waste of taxpayers money but cannot possibly be justified Particularly when evaluated with the public sector, who could not possibly justify or afford the same largesse to their own employees ; the public must ask, on what grounds should the taxpayer treat the Members of Parliament any differently, and the answer is obviouly there are no extenuating circumstances to warrant such an extreme concession. I realise that some persons regard comparisons as odious, but they form a good benchmark to general standards throughout the world, and I know of no other Goverment or Parliamentary system that would even put a vote to their chamber advocating such a discriminatory concession, but I would guess that the Bill obviously was intitiated by some person within Parliament as a self seeking and quite unacceptable proposal. In conclusion, although outside the remit of your committee, the whole of Parliamentary concessional travel at Federal and State level should be urgently reviewed and retricted to a legitimate and viable level which would help to finance more genuine and acceptable causes, and there are certainly enough of those in need, without wasting money on the extravagences of Parliament . Yours Sincerely Mr A.Stoner 4 Trevor Street Christies Beach SA 5165. Ph : 8384 2438 .