From: Amy Grossbard [] Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2002 9:40 AM To: 1 August 2002 Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Environmental Regulation of Uranium Mining To: Secretary, Senate ECITA References Committee Parliament House, CANBERRA I am writing in regard to the Senate Inquiry that is currently taking place into Environmental Regulations of Uranium Mining. While I applaud the initiative - an investigation into what is a seriously dangerous industry - I hope all of the important issues will be addressed. I would therefore request the Inquiry recommends: In regards to the Beverley and Honeymoon In Situ Leach mines, there needs to be increased monitoring of operations and reporting of leaks. Also, the Federal and South Australian Governments need to commit to protecting the groundwater by disallowing the disposal of mine waste into groundwater. This would in turn ensure there are no underground leaks into acquifers. They should also make rehabilitation of those areas already impacted a requirement. In regards to the Kakadu Mines, the Federal and Northern Territory Governments need to facilitate the rehabilitation, lease relinquishment and incorporation of the Jabiluka and Koongarra mineral leases into Kakadu National park. Meanwhile, Rio Tinto and relevant government agencies need to support a phase out, exit and rehabilitation strategy for Ranger, including aiding the establishment of a viable Aboriginal economy independent of mining. There also needs to be a credible action plan for the protection of the World Heritage Property and its values. And finally, the Federal and Northern Territory Governments need to act to reduce environmental impacts of operations at Ranger. This should include strengthened monitoring, reporting and regulatory regimes which need to have more event based monitoring, increasing monitoring scope and trigger points, and enhanced reporting. Given the number of leaks, spills and failures to monitor and regulate the above mines, a change in current practices is the only way to ensure an improvement in this problematic industry. As such, I would like to see these recommendations included in the report when it comes out on December 5. Yours Sincerely, Amy Grossbard 3 Royston Court, Kew 3101 VICTORIA _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: