Scrutiny of Bills Alert Digest No. 18 of 1999

Scrutiny of Bills Alert Digest No. 18 of 1999

24 November 1999

ISSN 1329-668X

Members of the Committee

Senator B Cooney (Chairman)

Senator W Crane (Deputy Chairman)

Senator T Crossin

Senator J Ferris

Senator B Mason

Senator A Murray

Terms of Reference

Extract from Standing Order 24



A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill (No. 2) 1999
Customs Amendment (Anti-Radioactive Waste Storage Dump) 1999
Customs Tariff Amendment (Tradex) Bill 1999 [No. 2]
Defence (Re-establishment) Amendment Bill 1999
New Business Tax System (Capital Allowances) Bill 1999
New Business Tax System (Former Subsidiary Tax Imposition) Bill 1999
New Business Tax System (Income Tax Rates) Bill (No. 1) 1999
New Business Tax System (Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 1999

A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill (No. 2) 1999

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999 by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance and Administration. [Portfolio responsibility: Treasury]

The bill proposes to amend the following Acts:

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999 and the A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999 to:

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 and the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999 to:

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999 to:

A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act 1999 to ensure that the calculation of GST revenue to be distributed to the States and Territories will include any general interest charge relating to GST and to ensure that any effect that the WET and LCT laws may have on GST revenue will not be included in the calculation;

A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 to ensure that overseas businesses that are required to register for GST purposes are able to obtain an ABN;

Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1972, the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967, the International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963 and the Overseas Missions (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1995 to:

and makes consequential amendments to two Acts.

The Committee has no comment on this bill.

Customs Amendment (Anti-Radioactive Waste Storage Dump) Bill 1999

This bill was introduced into the Senate on 20 October 1999 by Senator Brown as a Private Senator's bill.

The bill proposes to amend the Customs Act 1901 to prohibit the importation of nuclear waste for disposal in Australia.

The Committee has no comment on this bill.

Customs Tariff Amendment (Tradex) Bill 1999 [No. 2]

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999 by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Science and Resources. [Portfolio responsibility: Justice and Customs]

One of a package of five bills to implement the Tradex Scheme, this bill proposes to amend the Customs Tariff Act 1995 to allow the importation, without the payment of customs duty, of goods included in a tradex order, where those goods are imported by the holder of the order.

The Committee has no comment on this bill.

Defence (Re-establishment) Amendment Bill 1999

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 18 October 1999 by Mr Beazley as a Private Member's bill.

The bill proposes to amend the Defence (Re-establishment) Act 1965 to:

The Committee has no comment on this bill.

New Business Tax System (Capital Allowances) Bill 1999

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999 by the Treasurer. [Portfolio responsibility: Treasury]

One of a package of bills to implement the New Business Tax System, this bill proposes to amend the following Acts:

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to:

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to:

Legislation by press release

Schedule 1, item 11; Schedule 2 subitem 23(1); Schedule 3, item 14; Schedule 4, item 12 and Schedule 5, item 6

Most of the provisions of this bill are to apply from 21 September 1999 – this being the date of a press release issued by the Treasurer. While the Committee's practice is to draw attention to examples of legislation by press release, on this occasion the time that has elapsed between the date of the announcement and the introduction of a bill to give effect to that announcement is commendably short.

In these circumstances, the Committee makes no further comment on these provisions.

Retrospective application

Schedule 2, items 17 and 18

Items 17 and 18 of Schedule 2 to this bill are to apply retrospectively from 27 February 1998. However, the Explanatory Memorandum points out that the amendments proposed by these items are consequential on Royal Assent to the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No 5) 1999. The Committee previously reported on restrospectivity in that bill in its Tenth Report of 1999.

In these circumstances, the Committee makes no further comment on these provisions.

New Business Tax System (Former Subsidiary Tax Imposition) Bill 1999

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999 by the Treasurer. [Portfolio responsibility: Treasury]

One of a package of bills to implement the New Business Tax System, this bill proposes to impose a tax on certain members of a wholly-owned company group.

The Committee has no comment on this bill.

New Business Tax System (Income Tax Rates) Bill (No. 1) 1999

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999 by the Treasurer. [Portfolio responsibility: Treasury]

One of a package of bills to implement the New Business Tax System, this bill proposes to reduce the company tax rate:

The Committee has no comment on this bill.

New Business Tax System (Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 1999

This bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999 by the Treasurer. [Portfolio responsibility: Treasury]

One of a package of bills to implement the New Business Tax System, this bill proposes to amend the following Acts:

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 to:

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to:

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to:

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and the Financial Corporations (Transfers of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 to prevent the duplication of a tax loss or a net capital loss which has been transferred between wholly-owned group companies in certain circumstances; and

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to remove the “13 month rule” (which allows immediate deductions of prepayments for things to be done within 13 months) and spread the deduction over the period the prepayment occurs.

Legislation by press release

Subclause 2(2) and Schedule 5; Schedule 1, item 18 and Schedule 2, item 5

Some of the amendments proposed by this bill are to commence on 22 February 1999, or will apply from that date. The Explanatory Memorandum notes that this date was chosen because it was the date of the Treasurer's Review of Business Taxation Press Release No 4. The Explanatory Memorandum goes on to note that this was followed by a subsequent press release – No 58 of 21 September 1999.

The Committee has consistently drawn attention to the Senate Resolution of 8 November 1988, which deals with tax legislation and which provides that:

where the Government has announced, by press release, its intention to introduce a Bill to amend taxation law, and that Bill has not been introduced into the Parliament or made available by way of publication of a draft Bill within 6 calendar months after the date of that announcement, the Senate shall, subject to any further resolution, amend the bill to provide that the commencement date of the Bill shall be a date that is no earlier than either the date of introduction of the Bill into the Parliament or the date of publication of the draft Bill.

This bill has been introduced more than 6 months after the date of the Treasurer's press release. The Committee, therefore, seeks the Treasurer's advice as to the time taken in introducing this bill, and as to the effect of the Senate resolution on the proposed commencement date of the bill.

Pending the Treasurer's advice, the Committee draws Senators' attention to this provision, as it may be considered to trespass unduly on personal rights and liberties in breach of principle 1(a)(i) of the Committee's terms of reference.

Legislation by press release

Schedule 6, item 16; Schedule 7, Part 3; Schedule 8, item 10 and Schedule 9, items 14, 21, 30 and 32.

Many of the remaining amendments proposed by the bill are to commence on 21 September 1999. As noted above, this date has been chosen as it is the date of a second media release issued by the Treasurer. While it is the Committee's practice to draw attention to instances of legislation by press release, these provisions have been introduced well within the 6 month period required by the Senate Resolution of 8 November 1988.

In these circumstances, the Committee makes no further comment on these provisions.