PREFACE Terms of Reference

Value-adding in Agricultural Production


Terms of Reference

On 16 December 1993, the Senate referred the following matter to the Committee for inquiry and report by the last sitting day in June 1995:

On 8 June 1995, the Senate agreed to extend the time for the presentation of the committee's report to the last sitting day in 1995.

On 28 November 1995, the Senate agreed to extend the time for the presentation of the committee's report to 30 June 1996 . On 27 June 1996 the Senate adopted a report from the Committee setting out the state of the inquiry into value-adding.

Conduct of the Inquiry

Following the referral of the inquiry to the Committee in December 1993, advertisements calling for submissions were placed in major national and metropolitan newspapers and rural publications.

The Committee received 64 submissions. A list of individuals and organisations that made submissions on the reference appears at Appendix 1.

During the inquiry, the Committee held 10 public hearings in the following places:

Sixty two witnesses, appearing as private citizens or representing organisations, gave evidence before the Committee at these hearings. A list of these witnesses appears at Appendix 2.

The delay in tabling the report, as noted in the Committee's report to the Senate on 27 June 1996, was due to the volume of other more urgent work undertaken by the Committee since the inquiry was referred to it on 16 December 1993.

Committee membership

During the inquiry, the Senate agreed to changes to the committee system, including variations to role, functions and membership. New members of the Committee were supplied with copies of all submissions and transcripts of evidence.


The Committee expresses its appreciation to those who made written submissions to the inquiry and who co-operated with the Committee by giving public evidence. Those who made submissions but did not appear before the Committee may be assured that their submissions have been taken into account in the writing of this report.

Senator John Woodley


References Committee

The Senate, Canberra

May 1997