Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Witnesses who appeared before the committee at the public hearings

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Parliament House

Department of Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts
Mr Tony Slatyer, First Assistant Secretary, Water Reform Division
Ms Mary Harwood, First Assistant Secretary, Water Efficiency Division
Mr Mark Flanigan, Assistant Secretary, Strategic Approvals and Legislation Branch, Approvals and Wildlife Division

Dr Thomas Hatton, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship
Dr William Young, Theme Leader, Healthy Water Ecosystems

New South Wales Irrigators Council
Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer

Department of Natural Resources and Water, Queensland
Mr Scott Spencer, Director-General
Mr Greg Claydon, Executive Director, Strategic Water Initiatives
Ms Debbie Best, Deputy Director, General Water and Catchment Services

Community Advisory Committee of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council
Mr Lee O'Brien, Chairman

National Farmers Federation Water Taskforce
Mr Laurie Arthur, Chair
Ms Deb Kerr, Natural Resource Management Manager

Dr Donald Blackmore, Private capacity

MainStream Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd; RiverSmart Australia
Dr William Phillips, Director


Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Stamford Grand Hotel

Conservation Council of South Australia
Ms Julie Pettett, Chief Executive
Mr Jamnes Danenberg

Dr Kerri Muller, Private capacity

University of Adelaide
Professor Michael Young, Research Chair, Water Economics and Management
Professor Justin Brookes, Research Scientist and Leader CLLAMMecology

Central Irrigation Trust
Mr Gavin McMahon, Operations Manager

Murray-Darling Association Inc.
Mr Raymond Najar, General Manager

Adelaide University
Associate Professor Williams, Associate Dean, Law School

Lower Lakes and Coorong Infrastructure
Mr Neil Shillabeer, Chair

Professor Rob Fitzpatrick, Chief Research Scientist and Professor Flinders University
Dr Paul Shand, Principal Research Scientist

River, Lakes and Coorong Action Group Inc.
Mr Paul Davis, Lakes and Murray Waterkeeper and Committee Member

South Australian Dairyfarmers Association
Mr David Basham, President

South Australian Farmers Federation
Mr Kent Martin, Board Member
Dr Nigel Long, Natural Resources Manager

Alexandrina Council
Mayor Kym McHugh

Mr Henry Jones, Private capacity

Mannum Progress Association
Ms Helen Griffiths, Member


Thursday, 18 September 2008

Parliament House

Department of Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts
Mr Tony Slatyer, First Assistant Secretary, Water Reform Division
Ms Mary Harwood, First Assistant Secretary, Water Efficiency Division
Mr Harry Abrahams, Acting Assistant Secretary, Water Reform Division
Mr Mark Flanigan, Assistant Secretary, Strategic Approvals and Legislation Branch, Approvals and Wildlife Division

Inland Rivers Network
Ms Amy Hankinson, Coordinator

New South Wales Department of Water and Energy
Mr David Harriss, Deputy Director General, Water Management


Friday, 19 September 2008

Parliament House

Professor Richard Kingsford, Private capacity

Murray Irrigation Ltd
Mr Stewart Ellis, Chairman, Board of Directors
Mrs Claire Gibson, Communications Officer

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
Mr Peter Cosier, Director
Professor Bruce Thom, Member
Dr John Williams, Member
Professor Michael Young, Member
Mr Richard Harvey, Member

Mr Ian Kowalick, Private capacity

Ms Ilona Millar, Private capacity

South Australian Government
The Hon. Karlene Maywald, Minister for the River Murray and Minister for Water Security

Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, South Australia
Mr Scott Ashby, Chief Executive
Mr Andrew Beal, Chair, Water Security Technical Working Group

Coorong Council
Councillor Roger Strother, Mayor

CSIRO Land and Water
Dr Ian Webster

University of Western Australia
Dr Matthew Hipsey, Research Fellow, Centre for Water Research

WBM Consulting
Mr David Wainwright

Bondi Group and National Irrigation Corporation Water Entitlements Register
Ms Jenni Mattila, Coordinator

Department of Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts
Mr Tony Slatyer, First Assistant Secretary, Water Reform Division
Ms Mary Harwood, First Assistant Secretary, Water Efficiency Division
Mr Harry Abrahams, Acting Assistant Secretary, Water Reform Division
Mr Mark Flanigan, Assessment of Wildlife Division


Friday, 26 September 2008

Parliament House

Bureau of Meteorology
Mr Neil Plummer, Acting Superintendent, National Climate Centre
Dr David Jones, Supervisor, Climate Analysis Section, National Climate Centre

New South Wales Farmers Association
Ms Louise Burge, Chairman, Conservation and Resource Management Committee

Australian Conservation Foundation
Dr Arlene Buchan, Coordinator, Healthy Rivers Program

Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd
Mr Richard (Dick) Thompson, Chairman

Plug the Pipe
Mr Robert Richardson, Organiser
Mr Kenneth Pattison
Mr Christopher Harrison

Australian Floodplain Association
Mrs Deborah Kaluder, Committee Member

Murray-Darling Basin Commission
Dr Wendy Craik, Chief Executive
Mrs Jody Swirepik, Director, Living Murray
Mr Alan (David) Dreverman, General Manager, River Murray Water

Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Mr Robert Freeman, Acting Chair and Chief Executive

Victorian Farmers Federation
Mr Richard Anderson, Chair, Water Council
Mr Graeme Ford, Executive Manager, Policy

Snowy Hydro Ltd
Mr David Harris, Executive Officer, Regulatory Strategy, Legal and Water
Mr Andrew Nolan, Manager, Water

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