Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Witnesses who appeared before the Committee

Canberra, Friday 10 November 2006

Commonwealth Ombudsman
Dr Vivienne Thom, Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman
Mrs Helen Fleming, Senior Assistant Ombudsman
Ms Vicki Brown, Senior Assistant Ombudsman
Mr Robert Goodrick, Director of Inspections
Mr Frederick Bluck, Director, Legal and Policy

Community and Public Sector Union
Mr Stephen Jones, National Secretary
Ms Alison Rahill, National Research Officer

Australian Federal Police
Federal Agent Roman Quaedvlieg, Acting Assistant Commissioner and National Manager, Economic and Special Operations
Federal Agent Ray Johnson, Manager, Special Operations
Mr Peter Whowell, Manager, Legislation

National Welfare Rights Network
Mr Michael Raper, President
Ms Linda Forbes, Representative and Casework Coordinator

Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Mr Sean Innis, Acting Group Manager, Social Policy Group


Dr Margaret Browne, General Manager, Business Integrity, Centrelink
Mr Trevor Coulter, Business Manager, Business Integrity Business Line, Centrelink

Department of Human Services

Mr Phil Richardson, Assistant Secretary and Policy Adviser

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