Additional Documents

The committee received 1,157 identical pieces of correspondence from the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU).

An example of the correspondence (PDF 88KB)

1 PDF: Victorian Forest Products Association – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 30 April 2021) Victorian Forest Products Association – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 30 April 2021)
2 PDF: Professor David Lindenmayer – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 24 April 2021) Professor David Lindenmayer – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 24 April 2021)
3 PDF: ICON Science – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 3 May 2021) ICON Science – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 3 May 2021)
4 PDF: Professor Peter Kanowski – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 2 May 2021) Professor Peter Kanowski – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 2 May 2021)
5 PDF: Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 4 May 2021) Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 4 May 2021)
6 PDF: Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 4 May 2021) Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 4 May 2021)
7 PDF: Timber NSW – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 30 April 2021) Timber NSW – Answers to questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 30 April 2021)
8 PDF: Australian Forest Products Association – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 3 May 2021) Australian Forest Products Association – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 3 May 2021)
9 PDF: VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021)
10 PDF: Professor Peter Kanowski – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 7 May 2021) Professor Peter Kanowski – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 7 May 2021)
11 PDF: Australian Government Solicitor – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 7 May 2021) Australian Government Solicitor – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 7 May 2021)
12 PDF: Professor Rodney Keenan – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 4 May 2021) Professor Rodney Keenan – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 4 May 2021)
12 PDF: Professor Rodney Keenan – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) Professor Rodney Keenan – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021)
13 PDF: VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 2 VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 2
14 PDF: VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 3 VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 3
15 PDF: VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 4 VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 4
16 PDF: VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 5 VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 19 April 2021 (received 6 May 2021) – Attachment 5
17 PDF: VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice from Senator Rice (received 7 May 2021) VicForests – Answers to written questions on notice from Senator Rice (received 7 May 2021)

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526

About this inquiry

The Bill seeks to amend the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and the Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002, to clarify that forestry operations covered by a Regional Forest Agreement are exempted from Part 3 of the EPBC Act.

Past Public Hearings

19 Apr 2021: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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