Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee


Senator Gary Humphries, Chaiman

LP, Australian Capital Territory

Senator Claire Moore, Deputy Chair

ALP, Queensland

Senator Judith Adams

LP, Western Australia

Senator Lyn Allison

AD, Victoria

Senator Carol Brown

ALP, Tasmania

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

LP, New South Wales

Senator Kay Patterson

LP, Victoria

Senator Helen Polley

ALP, Tasmania

Substitute Member

Senator Siewert, AG, Western Australia to replace Senator Allison for the inquiry into the Bill

Senator Barnett, LP Tasmania to replace Senator Fierravanti-Wells for the period 18 September to 6 October 2006

Participating Members

Senator Andrew Bartlett

AD, Queensland

Senator Chris Evans

ALP, Western Australia

Senator Steve Fielding

FFP, Victoria

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