Terms of Reference

On 14 August 2017, the following matter was referred to Finance and Public Administration References Committee for inquiry and report: 

Arrangements relating to the collection of statistical information on the views of all Australians on the electoral roll on whether or not the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, as announced by the Government (the postal survey) with particular reference to:

  1. what information will be collected and how it will be collected, aggregated and reported;
  2. what departments and agencies will be involved and what resources will be provided;
  3. the legislative basis for the collection and how matters such as advertising, fraud, access to the roll and privacy will be regulated;
  4. the integrity of the roll and the potential for disenfranchisement of voters;
  5. protections against offensive, misleading or intimidating material or behaviour, especially towards affected communities;
  6. how issues incurred during the collection will be addressed;
  7. whether the information will be stored and what controls on future access will apply;
  8. all aspects of the conduct of the collection and related matters; and
  9. proposals for use of the information obtained, including to inform future legislation.

The committee have agreed to accept submissions until 31 January 2018. The report is due to be tabled on 13 February 2018.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Finance and Public Administration Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3846

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the arrangements relating to the collection of statistical information on the views of all Australians on the electoral roll on whether or not the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, as announced by the Government (the postal survey).

Past Public Hearings

15 Sep 2017: Canberra
07 Sep 2017: Canberra
17 Aug 2017: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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