Appropriations and Staffing Committee

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Appropriations and Staffing Committee

2005-06 Annual Report

17 August 2006

© Commonwealth of Australia 2006

View the report as a single document - (PDF 989KB)

View Appendix as a single Document - (PDF 960KB)

Members of the committee (as at 30 June 2006 )

The President of the Senate, Senator the Hon. Paul Calvert (Chairman)
The Leader of the Government in the Senate, Senator the Hon. Nick Minchin
The Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Chris Evans
Senator Andrew Bartlett
Senator the Hon. Ron Boswell
Senator the Hon. John Faulkner
Senator Jeannie Ferris
Senator the Hon. Bill Heffernan
Senator Robert Ray

The committee

The Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing, appointed under standing order 19, determines the amounts for inclusion in the parliamentary appropriation bills and reports to the Senate on its determinations prior to the Senate’s consideration of those bills.

The committee examines matters affecting the staffing and administration of the Department of the Senate, including proposals to vary the staffing structure, and other matters referred to it by the Senate. The committee makes an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters (standing order 19(3)).

The committee has the explicit capacity to scrutinise security funding and administration and to advise the President and the Senate as appropriate. Under a resolution of the Senate agreed to in 1987 the committee also examines proposed changes in the structure and responsibilities of the parliamentary departments.

The committee is chaired by the President and includes the Senate Leaders of the Government and the Opposition as ex officio members.


Neil Bessell

Senate Table Office

2005-06 Annual Report


Standing order 19(3) provides that the committee make an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters. Accordingly, the committee reports on the following matters:


Standing order 19(3)(d) provides that the committee shall consider the administration and funding of security measures affecting the Senate and advise the President and the Senate as appropriate.

In May 2004, the committee received a briefing from the Secretary of the Department of Parliamentary Services, Ms Hilary Penfold, accompanied by Mr Andrew Smith, Mr David Cossart and Mr Tim Brown, on security and other issues including the timetable for current construction works and proposals on access to the Senate entrance areas, particularly at night.

During 2005-06, members of the committee monitored various security measures introduced by DPS and will seek a briefing on further developments from the department in August 2006.

Restructure of the Department of Parliamentary Services

On 7 September 2005 , the committee was briefed by the Secretary of DPS and Mr David Kenny , Deputy Secretary, on proposals to restructure the Department of Parliamentary Services. Matters discussed included:

In February 2006, Ms Penfold provided members of the committee with further information on the new structure, the functions of each section in the new structure and an edited extract of her speech to DPS staff announcing the new structure. The Secretary also provided a website address for members of the committee to monitor further developments.

Appropriation bills

In its 41st report (December 2004), the committee endorsed the view expressed in its 30th report (March 1999) in relation to items of expenditure that may be regarded as ordinary annual services of the government. This report in 2004 was prompted by concerns of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) that there was a misunderstanding in the Department of Finance and Administration (DoFA) about what the committee and the Senate had agreed to in 1999.

In its Audit Report No. 25 of 2005-06 (January 2006), ANAO questioned expenditure made from appropriations for ordinary annual services and again raised the question of the interpretation by DoFA of the committee’s 30th report.

It appears that DoFA is adhering to the view that any expenditure on existing outcomes of departments is expenditure for the ordinary annual services of the government. This is contrary to the agreement between the Senate and the Government, known as the Compact of 1965, and with subsequent determinations by the Senate, including the determination made on the 30th report of the committee.

Members of the committee requested that the President write to the Minister for Finance and Administration, drawing attention to the apparent misunderstanding and seeking a response.

A paper prepared for the committee on this matter and the President’s letter to the Minister is attached as Appendix 1.

(Paul Calvert)

August 2006