Update on COVID-19 case at Australian Parliament House

Sunday, 5 December 2021 in COVID-19

The Department of Parliamentary Services continues to work closely with ACT Health regarding a staffer who has tested positive for COVID-19, following their return to Victoria from Canberra.

The Presiding Officers have discussed with Commonwealth and ACT Health officials the latest developments, and have been advised that ACT Health has now identified a number of close contacts and are contacting them directly to provide advice on testing and quarantine requirements.

Any casual contacts will also be contacted if any action by them is required. If you have not been contacted directly by ACT Health as either a close or casual contact, then you are not required to take any action.

Given the risk mitigation measures which applied in Parliament House during the sitting weeks, ACT Health believes the risk to other building occupants is very low.

As ACT Health have been able to identify all those potentially exposed and contact them directly, no Parliament House sites will need to be listed as exposure locations on the ACT COVID-19 website.

While the investigations are continuing, the decisions announced on closing the building to the public (statement released on 4 December) and reintroducing stronger mitigation measures (statement released on 5 December) will remain in force.

While the risk is deemed low, please be vigilant in monitoring for symptoms and if any appear, please get tested immediately.

The ACT Covid-19 website contains information for close contacts and for casual contacts.

The ongoing need for the stronger mitigation measures will be discussed again by the Presiding Officers and health officials on Tuesday. Building occupants will be informed of any changes.