Senator Mehreen Faruqi

Senator Mehreen Faruqi

Senator for NSW

Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens
Australian Greens

Seating Plan

Seating map

Electorate Office

(Principal Office)

72 Campbell Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Postal address

72 Campbell Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

(02) 9211 1500

Parliament Office

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

(02) 6277 3095


Parliamentary service
  • State: Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council for The Greens (NSW) from 2013 to 2018.
  • Federal: Chosen by the Parliament of New South Wales on 15.8.2018 under section 15 of the Constitution to represent that State in the Senate, vice L Rhiannon (resigned). Elected to the Senate for New South Wales 2019.
Parliamentary positions
  • Temporary Chair of Committees from 2.7.2019 to 26.7.2022.
Committee service
  • Joint Select: Parliamentary Standards served from 29.3.2022 to 29.11.2022
  • Joint Standing: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 13.9.2018 to 11.4.2019; National Capital and External Territories served from 13.9.2018 to 3.4.2019; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 22.7.2019 to 26.10.2022
  • Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing: Education and Employment: Legislation served from 21.8.2018 to present; Education and Employment: References served from 21.8.2018 to present; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport: References served as Substitute member from 29.7.2019 to 27.11.2019; Economics: Legislation served as Substitute member from 9.2.2023 to 22.3.2023; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 30.3.2023 to 18.5.2023; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport: Legislation served from 11.5.2023 to present; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: References served from 7.12.2023 to present; Economics: Legislation served as Substitute member from 26.2.2024 to 18.4.2024; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 14.8.2024 to 1.10.2024
  • Senate Select: Job Security served from 10.12.2020 to 30.3.2022; Impact of Climate Risk on Insurance Premiums and Availability served from 16.5.2024 to 20.5.2024; Impact of Climate Risk on Insurance Premiums and Availability served as Chair from 20.5.2024 to 26.11.2024
  • Senate Standing: Senators' Interests served from 13.9.2018 to 13.2.2019
Parliamentary party positions
  • Australian Greens. Served: 15.08.2018 to present
  • Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Local Government, Housing, Industry, Animal Welfare, Gun Control, International Development and Employment and Workplace Relations (Senate) from 15.8.2018 to 9.9.2020.
  • Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Housing, Industry, Anti-racism, Animal Welfare, International Aid and Development, and Employment and Workplace Relations (Senate) from 9.9.2020 to 17.6.2022.
  • Deputy Leader of the Federal Parliamentary Australian Greens from 10.6.2022.
  • Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Anti-Racism, International Aid, Global Justice and Animal Welfare from 17.6.2022 to 25.3.2024.
  • Australian Greens Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Anti-Racism, Climate Adaptation and Resilience, International Aid and Global Justice, Republic and Tertiary Education from 25.3.2024.
Party positions
  • Convenor of the Greens Women's Group (NSW) from 2011 to 2013.
  • Candidate for the Greens in Heffron (NSW), 2012.
Other positions
  • Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 2017.
  • Born: 8.7.1963, Pakistan
  • Gender: Female
  • Marital Status: Married
Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
  • BEng(Civil)(Hons) (University of Engineering and Technology (Pakistan)).
  • DEnvEng (University of New South Wales).
  • MESc (University of New South Wales).
  • Research Fellow and Research Assistant at the University of New South Wales from January 1993 to February 1999.
  • Environmental Engineer at Sinclair Knight Merz from March 1999 to June 2001.
  • Manager for Natural Resources and Environmental Engineer at Port Macquarie-Hastings Council (NSW) from August 2001 to August 2004.
  • Director and Lecturer, Institute of Environmental Studies (UNSW) from August 2004 to April 2008.
  • Manager of Environment and Services at Mosman Council (NSW) from January 2009 to August 2010.
  • Associate Professor and Academic Director MBT of the Australian School of Management at the University of New South Wales from September 2010 to June 2013.
State/Territory Government service
  • Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council for The Greens (NSW) from 2013 to 2018.
  • Received the Faculty of Engineering Award for Leadership (UNSW), 2013.
  • Appointed No. 5 in Fairfax Daily Media Life's list of top 20 women, 2013.
  • Appointed a Top 100 Most Influential Engineers in Australia, 2015.
  • Appointed Grand Stirrer at the 20th Edna Ryan Awards for the #End12 abortion decriminalisation campaign, 2017.
  • M Faruqi and R Ryan, Transforming watercycle management: a case study in the mid-north coast of NSW, Ozwater, Sydney, 2007.
  • R Harding, CM Hendriks and M Faruqi, Environmental Decision-Making - Exploring complexity and context, Federation Press, Sydney, 2009.
  • Achieving systematic change for sustainability through enabling effective Community Education and Engagement, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, NSW, 2009.
  • M Faruqi, Embracing complexity to enable change, in D Rigling Gallagher, N Christiansen and P Andrews [eds], Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook, volume 2, pp. 772-781, Sage, Thousand Oaks, California, USA, 2012.
  • Too migrant, too Muslim, too loud: a memoir, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW: 2021.

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