- Parliamentary service
- Elected to the House of Representatives for Wannon, Victoria at by-election 1983, vice the Rt Hon. J Fraser, CH (resigned). Re-elected 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2007. Retired prior to general elections 2010.
- Parliamentary positions
- Member of the Speaker's Panel from 23.11.1998 to 31.8.2004.
- Speaker of the House of Representatives from 16.11.2004 to 17.10.2007.
- Committee service
- House of Representatives Select: Recent Australian Bushfires served from 27.3.2003 to 5.11.2003
- House of Representatives Standing: Parliamentary Library served from 17.5.1983 to 26.10.1984; Road Safety served from 18.5.1983 to 26.10.1984; Expenditure served from 28.2.1985 to 5.6.1987; Industry, Science and Technology served from 8.10.1987 to 24.2.1989; Industry, Science and Technology served as Deputy Chair from 25.2.1989 to 19.2.1990; Transport, Communications and Infrastructure served from 16.5.1990 to 8.2.1993; Selection served from 12.5.1993 to 29.1.1996; Financial Institutions and Public Administration served as Chair from 29.5.1996 to 31.8.1998; Primary Industries, Resources and Rural and Regional Affairs served from 2.9.1997 to 31.8.1998; Economics, Finance and Public Administration served as Chair from 8.12.1998 to 31.8.2004; Selection served from 18.2.2002 to 31.8.2004; Parliamentary Library served from 16.11.2004 to 30.11.2004; House served as Chair from 1.12.2004 to 17.10.2007; Parliamentary Library served as Chair from 1.12.2004 to 17.10.2007; Procedure served from 11.3.2008 to 19.7.2010
- Joint Select: Republic Referendum served from 2.6.1999 to 9.8.1999; Intelligence Services served from 28.6.2001 to 27.8.2001
- Joint Standing: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 26.5.1993 to 29.1.1996; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 8.12.1998 to 31.8.2004; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served as Deputy Chair from 11.3.2008 to 19.7.2010; Parliamentary Library served from 11.3.2008 to 19.7.2010
- Joint Statutory: Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings served from 11.3.2008 to 19.7.2010
- Conferences, delegations and visits
- Parliamentary delegation member to Japan, March 1984.
- Parliamentary delegation member to the USA, July 1984.
- Delegate to the 32nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, the UK from September to October 1986.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Israel, February 1987.
- Delegate to the 34th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, Canberra, September 1988.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Belgium, France, Cyprus and Portugal from September to October 1989.
- Delegate to the 14th Association of Southeast Asian Nations Inter-Parliamentary Organisation General Assembly, Malaysia from September to October 1993.
- Attended official meetings in the Philippines and Brunei from September to October 1993.
- Parliamentary delegation member to South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, July 1994.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Russia and Ukraine from March to April 1995.
- Delegate to the 96th Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference, China from September to October 1996.
- Attended official meetings in the Philippines and Vietnam from September to October 1996.
- Attended study tour in Hong Kong and the UK, from May to June 1998.
- Parliamentary delegation member to the UK and Germany, June 1998.
- Attended official meetings in Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, July 1999.
- Parliamentary delegation member to East Timor, December 1999.
- Attended study tour in Hong Kong from February to March 2000.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Brazil and Argentina, October 2000.
- Attended study tour in the UK and Ireland, November 2000.
- Parliamentary delegation member to East Timor, February 2001.
- Parliamentary delegation member to the UK and Netherlands from November to December 2002.
- Parliamentary delegation member to the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, April 2004.
- Delegate to the 13th Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum, Vietnam, January 2005.
- Parliamentary delegation member to China and Mongolia, April 2005.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Denmark and Sweden, October 2005.
- Delegate to the 18th Commonwealth Speakers' and Presiding Officers' Conference, Kenya, January 2006.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Malaysia and Japan, April 2006.
- Attended the funeral of Prince Tu'ipelehake, Tonga, July 2006.
- Attended official meetings in Chile and Peru, November 2006.
- Parliamentary Delegation member to Timor-Leste, August 2009.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Bhutan and Mongolia, July 2010.
- Parliamentary party positions
- Liberal Party of Australia. Served: 07.05.1983 to 19.07.2010
- Shadow Minister for Land Transport from 11.4.1990 to 7.4.1993.
- Opposition Deputy Whip in the House of Representatives from 12.5.1989 to 11.4.1990.
- Opposition Deputy Whip in the House of Representatives from 26.5.1994 to 2.6.1994.
- Opposition Whip in the House of Representatives from 2.6.1994 to 11.3.1996.
- Party positions
- President of the Liberal Party Apsley-Langkoop Branch (Vic.) from 1974 to 1983.
- Delegate to the Liberal Party State Council (Vic.) from 1974 to 1975.
- Delegate to the Liberal Party State Council (Vic.) from 1983.
- Member of the Liberal Party Agricultural Committee (Vic.) from 1983.
- Chair of the Liberal Party Federal Rural Committee from 1987 to 1990.
- Chair of the Liberal Party Federal Rural Committee from 1993 to 1996.
- Personal
- Born: 1.5.1949, Adelaide, Australia
- Gender: Male
- Marital Status: Married
- Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
- BE (University of Melbourne).
- Farm manager.
- Electorate
- Name: Wannon
- Location: south-western Victoria; it includes the centres of Ararat, Avoca, Camperdown, Casterton, Dartmoor, Great Western, Halls Gap, Hamilton, Heywood, Koroit, Lismore, Macarthur, Mortlake, Penshurst, Port Campbell, Port Fairy, Portland, Skipton and Warrnambool.
- Area: 33,854 Sq km
- Electors enrolled: 90,904 (at 24.11.2007)
- Industries: shipping, wool, sheep, live sheep exports, beef and dairy cattle, cropping, forestry, aluminium smelting, gold mining, textiles and clothing, tool manufacturing, wineries and tourism.
- Includes: Wannon includes the Victorian Legislative Assembly electorate of South-West Coast, and parts of Lowan, Polwarth, Ripon and Swan Hill.
- Honours
- Appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia, 11.6.2012.