- Parliamentary service
- Elected to the House of Representatives for Braddon, Tasmania, 1998. Re-elected 2001. Defeated at general elections 2004. Elected to the House of Representatives for Braddon, Tasmania, 2007. Re-elected 2010. Defeated at general elections 2013.
- Parliamentary positions
- Member of the Speaker's Panel from 14.2.2008 to 7.2.2012.
- Ministerial appointments
- Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry from 14.12.2011 to 18.9.2013.
- Committee service
- House of Representatives Standing: Publications served from 8.12.1998 to 8.10.2001; Primary Industries and Regional Services served from 8.12.1998 to 8.10.2001; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry served from 20.3.2002 to 31.8.2004; Education and Training served from 20.3.2002 to 31.8.2004; Primary Industries and Resources served from 19.2.2008 to 19.7.2010; Education and Training served from 19.2.2008 to 19.7.2010; Publications served from 19.2.2008 to 19.7.2010; Procedure served from 25.10.2010 to 7.2.2012; Regional Australia served as Deputy Chair from 25.10.2010 to 7.2.2012
- Conferences, delegations and visits
- Parliamentary delegation member to Nigeria and South Africa from October to November 2002.
- Parliamentary delegation member to China and Hong Kong, November 2009.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore, November 2011.
- Parliamentary party positions
- Australian Labor Party. Served: 03.10.1998 to 09.10.2004, 24.11.2007 to 07.09.2013
- Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Minister for Primary Industries and Resources from 25.11.2001 to 2.7.2003.
- Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Arts from 18.2.2003 to 8.12.2003.
- Shadow Cabinet Minister from 2.7.2003 to 22.10.2004.
- Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Primary Industries from 2.7.2003 to 8.12.2003.
- Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and Resources from 8.12.2003 to 22.10.2004.
- Party positions
- Member of the Australian Labor Party from 1991.
- Delegate to the Australian Labor Party State Conference (Tas.) from 1992.
- President of the Australian Labor Party Don River Branch (Tas.) from 1992.
- Chair of the Australian Labor Party Braddon Federal Electorate Council (Tas.) from 1997.
- Personal
- Born: 23.4.1951, Hobart, Australia
- Gender: Male
- Marital Status: Married
- Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
- BA(Hons) (University of Tasmania).
- Senior secondary college teacher from 1975 to 1997.
- Electorate officer to Senator the Hon. N Sherry, 1998.
- Regional adviser to Senator the Hon. N Sherry from 2004 to 2007.
- Local Government service
- Councillor, Central Coast Council from 1996 to 1998.
- Electorate
- Name: Braddon
- Location: north-west and west Tasmania; it includes the cities of Burnie and Devonport, and the towns of Currie, Latrobe, Penguin, Queenstown, Rosebery, Smithton, Somerset, Stanley, Strahan, Ulverstone, Waratah, Wynyard and Zeehan. It also includes King Island.
- Area: 20,826 Sq km
- Electors enrolled: 71,718 (at 7.9.2013)
- Industries: forestry, fishing, kelp harvesting, dairying, cheese, beef cattle production, vegetable growing and processing, poppies, pyrethrum, sawmills, paper mills, weaving mills, lead, zinc, iron ore, manufacturing, wind industry, telecommunications, ports, airports and tourism.
- Includes: Braddon is co-extensive with the Tasmanian House of Assembly electorate of the same name.