Speeches First speech Browse all speeches (Hansard) Biography Parliamentary service Elected to the Senate for Western Australia 1996. Re-elected 2001 and 2007. Retired with the expiration of term 2014. Parliamentary positions Temporary Chair of Committees from 12.2.2008 to 30.6.2014. Committee service Joint Standing: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 1.7.2002 to 19.8.2002; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 14.2.2008 to 30.6.2014Joint Statutory: Public Accounts and Audit served from 10.5.2006 to 5.8.2013; Australian Crime Commission served from 27.3.2007 to 17.10.2007; Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity served from 29.3.2007 to 17.10.2007; Public Works served from 14.2.2008 to 24.6.2009; Intelligence and Security served from 1.7.2011 to 30.6.2014Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing: Economics: References served from 1.7.1996 to 9.11.1998; Finance and Public Administration: Legislation served from 11.9.1996 to 9.10.1996; Economics: Legislation served as Substitute member from 11.10.1996 to 11.10.1996; Finance and Public Administration: References served from 17.10.1996 to 4.12.1996; Community Affairs: References served as Chair from 13.5.1997 to 9.11.1998; Economics: Legislation served from 4.9.1997 to 9.11.1998; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: Legislation served from 24.11.1998 to 11.2.2002; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: References served from 24.11.1998 to 11.2.2002; Community Affairs: References served as Substitute member from 26.11.1998 to 9.12.1998; Community Affairs: Legislation served from 13.2.2002 to 1.7.2002; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: References served from 1.7.2002 to 19.8.2002; Community Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 19.9.2002 to 19.9.2002; Finance and Public Administration: References served as Substitute member from 23.6.2003 to 4.12.2003; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: References served as Substitute member from 23.6.2003 to 12.8.2004; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served as Substitute member from 4.12.2003 to 22.3.2004; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: References served from 18.11.2004 to 1.7.2005; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: References served from 6.10.2005 to 10.9.2006; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served from 6.10.2005 to 10.9.2006; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 9.12.2005 to 7.2.2006; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 11.9.2006 to 13.2.2008; Economics served from 12.2.2008 to 1.7.2008; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served as Chair from 14.2.2008 to 13.5.2009; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served as Chair from 14.5.2009 to 6.7.2011; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: References served from 14.5.2009 to 11.11.2013; Environment, Communications and the Arts: Legislation served as Substitute member from 25.5.2010 to 25.5.2010; Economics: References served from 1.7.2011 to 13.11.2013; Economics: Legislation served from 1.7.2011 to 3.7.2011; Economics: Legislation served as Chair from 4.7.2011 to 11.11.2013; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served from 7.7.2011 to 11.11.2013; Economics: References served as Chair from 14.11.2013 to 30.6.2014; Economics: Legislation served from 11.2.2014 to 30.6.2014Senate Select: Uranium Mining and Milling served from 1.7.1996 to 15.5.1997; Information Technologies served as Deputy Chair from 31.3.1999 to 7.12.2000Senate Standing: Publications served from 24.11.1998 to 1.7.2002; Scrutiny of Bills served from 14.2.2008 to 11.11.2013; Senators' Interests served from 12.11.2013 to 30.6.2014 Conferences, delegations and visits Delegate to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Inter-Parliamentary Organisation General Assembly meeting, Indonesia, September 1997.Attended official meetings in Thailand and Laos, September 1997.Delegate to the 45th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, Trinidad and Tobago, September 1999.Attended study tour in China and North Korea from April to May 2000.Attended study tour in the USA, July 2000.Delegate to the 60th Anniversary of the Fall of Singapore commemorations, Singapore, February 2002.Delegate to the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of the Kokoda Track commemorations, Papua New Guinea, August 2002.Parliamentary delegation member to Papua New Guinea from October to November 2002.Parliamentary delegation member to Cambodia, July 2003.Parliamentary delegation member to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh from September to October 2003.Attended official meetings in the UK, November 2003.Attended official meetings in Turkey, April 2004.Attended official meetings in Turkey, April 2005.Parliamentary delegation member to South Korea and the USA, September 2006.Parliamentary delegation member to Chile and Peru, November 2006.Parliamentary delegation member to the UK and Belgium, November 2009.Parliamentary delegation member to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Ethiopia, April 2011.Parliamentary delegation member to the UK, USA, Spain and Germany from April to May 2012.Parliamentary delegation member to Canada, May 2012. Parliamentary party positions Australian Labor Party. Served: 01.07.1996 to 30.06.2014Shadow Parliamentary Secretary representing the Shadow Minister for Communications in the Senate from 20.10.1998 to 25.11.2001.Shadow Cabinet Minister from 20.10.1998 to 25.11.2001.Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs from 25.11.2001 to 24.6.2005.Shadow Minister for Customs from 2.7.2003 to 26.10.2004.Shadow Cabinet Minister from 2.7.2003 to 26.10.2004.Shadow Minister for Defence Industry, Procurement and Personnel from 24.6.2005 to 10.12.2006. Party positions Member of the Australian Labor Party Administrative Committee from 1984 to 1986.Delegate to the Australian Labor Party National Conference from 1985.Delegate to the Australian Labor Party National Executive from 1992. Personal Born: 29.6.1954, Adelaide, AustraliaGender: MaleMarital Status: Married Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament LLB (University of Adelaide).MPA (Harvard University).Industrial officer from 1979 to 1984.Union secretary from 1984 to 1996.