Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into a National Mining Tax

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Prosper Australia (PDF 122KB) 
2Mr Grant Dinse (PDF 152KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 202KB) 
3Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) (PDF 111KB) Attachment 1(PDF 800KB) Attachment 2(PDF 98KB) 
4Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Bureau of Rural Sciences  (PDF 124KB) Attachment 1(PDF 202KB) Attachment 2(PDF 650KB) Attachment 3(PDF 2105KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1028KB) 
5ANDEV (PDF 502KB) Attachment 1(PDF 97KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 85KB) 
6DOMGAS ALLIANCE (PDF 522KB) Attachment 1(PDF 427KB) Attachment 2(PDF 218KB) 
7National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (PDF 173KB) 
8Business Council of Australia (PDF 100KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1070KB) Attachment 2(PDF 79KB) 
9Australian Council of Trade Unions (PDF 132KB) 
10Mr John Passant, Faculty of Law University of Canberra (PDF 614KB) 
11Centre for Policy Development (PDF 453KB) 
12Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd (APPEA) (PDF 977KB) 
13Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (PDF 133KB) 
14The Australia Institute (PDF 175KB) 
15Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 638KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 920KB) 
16Oxfam Australia (PDF 102KB) Attachment 1(PDF 140KB) Attachment 2(PDF 117KB) Attachment 3(PDF 134KB) 
17Mr Bryan Pape (PDF 127KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 25KB) 
18Australian Workers' Union (PDF 360KB) 
19Prof Ross Garnaut (PDF 309KB) Attachment 1(PDF 86KB) 
20Australian Council of Social Service (PDF 34KB) 
21The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (PDF 680KB) 
22Mr Yuanyuan Jia (PDF 11KB) 
23Mr Tony Hassell (PDF 10KB) 
24Law Council of Australia (PDF 211KB) 
25Magnetite Network (MagNet) (PDF 465KB) Attachment 1(PDF 117KB) Attachment 2(PDF 966KB) Attachment 3(PDF 381KB) 
26Northern Territory Government (PDF 114KB) 
27Mr Andrew Oliver (PDF 17KB) 
28Mr Marcus Webb (PDF 27KB) 
29Dr George Fane (PDF 117KB) 
30Professors H. Ergas, M. Harrison and J. Pincus (PDF 201KB) 
31Hon Christian Porter MLA (PDF 417KB) 
32Prof John Rolfe, Centre for Environmental Management, CQUniversity (PDF 482KB) 
33Iron Ore Research Pty Ltd (PDF 470KB) 
34Mr Alexander Street, SC (PDF 216KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Document tabled by BURU Energy Ltd at a public hearing in Perth on 8 November 2010; submission to the Policy Transition Group(PDF 11121KB) 
2Document tabled by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia at a public hearing in Perth on 8 November 2010; submission to the Policy Transition Group(PDF 9282KB) 
3Document tabled by ABARE at a public hearing in Melbourne on 19 November 2010; 'Minerals and energy: Major development projects'(PDF 769KB) 
4Mineral Resource Rent Tax Heads of Agreement(PDF 395KB) 
5Document tabled by Rio Tinto at a public hearing in Melbourne on 8 December 2010; Opening remarks(PDF 1028KB) 
6Document tabled by BHP Billiton at a public hearing in Melbourne on 8 December 2010; testimony by company representatives Mr Gerard Bond and Mr Bernie Delaney(PDF 1999KB) 
7Document tabled by the Minerals Council of Australia at a public hearing in Melbourne on 8 December 2010; a policy brief: Minerals resources, tax, and the prosperity of all Australians, June 2010.(PDF 810KB) 
8Opening statement tabled by Henry Ergas and Jonathan Pincus at a public hearing in Melbourne on 30 March 2011.(PDF 1025KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Received from Mr Alan Moran, Institute of Public Affairs, on 24 November 2010; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Melbourne on 19 November 2010.(PDF 225KB) 
2Received from Mr Tony Petersen, DomGas Alliance, on 25 November 2010; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 8 November 2010.(PDF 43KB) 
3Received from Mr Simon Bennison, Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, on 1 December 2010; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 8 November 2010.(PDF 172KB) 
4Received from Mr Timothy Marney, Department of Treasury and Finance, Government of Western Australia, on 26 November 2010; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 8 November 2010.(PDF 3484KB) 
5Received from Mr John Nicolaou, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia, on 8 December 2010; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 8 November 2010.(PDF 21KB) 
6Received from Mr Bernie Delaney, BHP Billiton, on 14 January 2011; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Melbourne on 8 December 2010.(PDF 10110KB) 
7Received from Prof Ross Garnaut, on 24 January 2011; answer to Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Melbourne on 19 November 2010.(PDF 61KB) 
8Received from the Department of the Treasury, on 2 February 2011; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 22 November 2010.(PDF 24KB) 
9Received from Prof Henry Ergas and Prof Jonathan Pincus, on 13 April 2011; answers to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Melbourne on 30 March 2011.(PDF 288KB) 
10Received from the Department of the Treasury, on 22 September 2011; answer to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 22 November 2010.(PDF 17KB) 

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