Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into the Indian Ocean region and Australia's foreign, trade and defence policy

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Professor Ben Saul (PDF 155KB) 
2Ms Carol O'Donnell (PDF 408KB) 
3Tourism Western Australia (PDF 2884KB) 
4Professor Raghbendra Jha (PDF 44KB) 
5Department of Defence (PDF 155KB) 
5A Supplementary Submission(PDF 4374KB) 
5B Supplementary Submission(PDF 1509KB) 
6Indian Ocean Research Group (IORG) (PDF 429KB) 
6A Supplementary Submission(PDF 39KB) 
6B Supplementary Submission(PDF 288KB) 
6C Supplementary Submission(PDF 44KB) 
6D Supplementary Submission(PDF 182KB) 
6E Supplementary Submission(PDF 2353KB) 
6F Supplementary Submission(PDF 29KB) 
7Dr Sandy Gordon (PDF 190KB) 
8Australian Tamil Congress (PDF 64KB) 
9Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament (PDF 35KB) 
10Dr Sam Bateman (PDF 131KB) 
11CSIRO  (PDF 446KB) 
12Future Directions International (FDI) Pty Ltd (PDF 439KB) 
13Dr Andrew Phillips (PDF 169KB) 
14Dr Auriol Weigold (PDF 38KB) 
15Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (PDF 2281KB) 
16Dr David Brewster (PDF 351KB) 
17Professor Kaliappa Kalirajan (PDF 23KB) 
18Australian Coal Association (PDF 556KB) 
19Austrade (PDF 83KB) 
20NSW Trade and Investment (PDF 8607KB) 
21Dr Sam Bateman, Dr Anthony Bergin and Professor Russell Trood (PDF 83KB) 
22Mr Jason Beet (PDF 144KB) 
23Telstra (PDF 300KB) 
24Mr Nick Pastalatzis (PDF 7728KB) 
25Consulate-General of the Sultanate of Oman (PDF 1486KB) 
26Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 667KB) 
27SA Chapter Australian Tamil Congress  (PDF 46KB) Attachment 1(PDF 120KB) 
28Northern Territory Government (PDF 1841KB) 
29ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (PDF 224KB) 
30Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 972KB) 
31Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (PDF 12347KB) 
32Department of Infrastructure and Transport (PDF 1271KB) 
34Ms Kristen Mulligan (PDF 248KB) 
35Western Australian Department of the Premier and Cabinet (PDF 4251KB) 
36Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University (PDF 34KB) 
37Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) (PDF 167KB) 
38Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport (PDF 2267KB) 
40Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (PDF 2755KB) 
41Australian Federal Police (PDF 264KB) 
42Mr Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe (PDF 125KB) 
43Mr James Barns (PDF 1970KB) 
44Mr Tony Friday, Pilbara Regional Council (PDF 109KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing, 17 August 2012, Canberra)(PDF 72KB) 
2Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing, 17 August 2012, Canberra)(PDF 133KB) 
3Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism - Attachment A - Summary of Tourism Australia's India Strategic Plan 2020 (from public hearing, 17 August 2012, Canberra)(PDF 1221KB) 
4Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism - Attachment B - Tourism 2020 (from public hearing, 17 August 2012, Canberra)(PDF 764KB) 
5Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism - Attachment C - Mapping Australia's Tourism Aviation Priorities (from public hearing, 17 August 2012, Canberra)(PDF 4995KB) 
6CSIRO - Answers to Questions on notice (from public hearing, 5 December 2012, Canberra)(PDF 164KB) 
7Austrade - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing 5 December 2012, Canberra)(PDF 192KB) 
8Bureau of Meteorology - Answers to Questions on notice (from public hearing, 6 December 2012, Canberra)(PDF 395KB) 
9AusAID - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing, 6 December 2012, Canberra)(PDF 59KB) 
10Defence - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing, 6 December 2012, Canberra)(PDF 217KB) 
11Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing, 22 March 2013, Canberra)(PDF 82KB) 
12AFP - Answers to questions on notice (from public hearing, 22 March 2013, Canberra)(PDF 573KB) 

For further information, contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3535
Fax:+61 2 6277 5818