Government's approach to re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission

On 4 December 2013 the Senate referred the Government’s approach to re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission for inquiry and report by the last sitting day in March 2014 (27 March 2014). The committee agreed that submissions should be received by 10 February 2014.

  1. That the following matter be referred to the Education and Employment References Committee for inquiry and report by the last sitting day in March 2014:

    The Government's approach to re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission through the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 and related bills, with particular reference to:

    1. the potential impact of the re-establishment of the Australian Building and Construction Commission on the building and construction industry;
    2. the need or otherwise for a specialist industrial regulator in the building and construction industry;
    3. the potential impact of the bills on productivity in the building and construction industry;
    4. whether the bills are consistent with Australia's obligations under international law;
    5. the potential impact of the bills on employees, employers, employer bodies, trade and labour councils, unions and union members;
    6. the extreme and heavy-handed proposed powers of the Australian Building and Construction Commission, including coercive powers, conduct of compulsory interviews, and imprisonment for those who do not co-operate;
    7. the provisions of the bills relating to requirements to provide information to the Australian Building and Construction Commission during interviews including provisions that interviewees have no right to silence;
    8. the provisions of the bills that introduce the law of conspiracy into the industrial regulation of the building and construction industry;
    9. whether the provisions of the bills relating to occupational health and safety in the building and construction industry are adequate to protect the health and safety of employees and contractors in the industry; and
    10. any other related matter.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Education and Employment Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3521

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the Government's approach to re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Past Public Hearings

17 Mar 2014: Canberra
12 Mar 2014: Melbourne
06 Feb 2014: Sydney


Inquiry Status

Submissions closed


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