Submissions received by the Committee

Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices

Submissions received by the Committee

There may be delays in the processing and publication of submissions and other evidence. The committee asks inquiry participants to be patient regarding the consideration of their submission. Some names have been omitted from submissions. This is to protect the privacy of the submitter, the privacy of other individuals, or because the committee considered that the identity of individuals was not relevant to its terms of reference.

Sub No.

1 Ms Margaret Nonas (PDF 67KB) 
2 Mrs Hannah Spanswick (PDF 52KB) 
3 Confidential
4 Ms Tracey Lee (PDF 24KB) 
5 Ms Carol Helmrich (PDF 1422KB) 
6 Confidential
7 Confidential
8 Ms Lynette Kinghorn (PDF 1040KB) Attachment 1(PDF 20KB) 
9 Confidential
10 Ms Colleen Grubb (PDF 4422KB) 
11 Ms Teresa . (PDF 1575KB) 
12 Ms Juliette Clough (PDF 1013KB) 
13 Ms Judith Hendriksen (PDF 21KB) Attachment 1(PDF 3844KB) Attachment 2(PDF 2766KB) Attachment 3(PDF 70KB) Attachment 4(PDF 2237KB) Attachment 5(PDF 2837KB) Attachment 6(PDF 5771KB) 
14 Mrs Barbara Maison (PDF 80KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 42KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 416KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 58KB) 
15 Ms Valerie Linow (PDF 2187KB) 
16 Ms Margaret Whalan (PDF 3529KB) 
17 Ms Linda Ngata (PDF 2778KB) 
18 Ms Rosalie Wilson (PDF 5545KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1504KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 3480KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 36KB) 
19 Ms Brenda Coughlan (PDF 1990KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 137KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 8941KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 382KB) 
20 Ms Maree Laird (PDF 2794KB) 
21 DES Action Australia-NSW (PDF 97KB) Attachment 1(PDF 88KB) Attachment 2(PDF 907KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 101KB) 
Response from DES Action Australia(PDF 81KB) 
22 Name Withheld (PDF 740KB) 
23 Ms Evelyn Robinson (PDF 13KB) 
24 Name Withheld (PDF 10KB) 
25 Ms Therese Parish (PDF 2883KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 3776KB) 
26 Ms Lily Arthur (PDF 9917KB) Attachment 4(PDF 149KB) Attachment 5(PDF 269KB) Attachment 6(PDF 4179KB) Attachment 7(PDF 3595KB) Attachment 8(PDF 3519KB) Attachment 9(PDF 4298KB) Attachment 10(PDF 1067KB) 
27 Mr Geoffrey Gong (PDF 63KB) 
28 Name Withheld (PDF 26KB) 
29 Mrs Janette Lord (PDF 2211KB) 
30 FamilyVoice Australia (PDF 85KB) 
31 Ms Julie Morgan-Thomas (PDF 3573KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1417KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 78KB) 
32 Ms Marigold Hayler (PDF 1530KB) 
33 Mrs Rosa Feakes (PDF 1960KB) 
34 Ms Alison Mylne (PDF 52KB) 
35 Confidential
36 Ms Annie Florence (PDF 47KB) 
37 Monash University (PDF 793KB) 
38 Name Withheld (PDF 8721KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 195KB) 
39 Ms Suzanne Hammond (PDF 1283KB) 
40 Mrs Colleen Ewen (PDF 142KB) 
41 Mr Joseph Soll (PDF 79KB) 
42 Name Withheld (PDF 1394KB) 
43 Ms Maureen Melville (PDF 17478KB) 
44 Mrs Loma Pincham (PDF 7268KB) 
45 Name Withheld (PDF 27KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 54KB) 
46 Confidential
47 Ms. Fiona Sutherland (PDF 69KB) 
48 Ms Anita Welsh (PDF 4815KB) 
49 Name Withheld (PDF 53KB) 
50 Angela (PDF 62KB) 
51 Ms Janet Kaye (PDF 10KB) 
52 Confidential
53 Ms Frances Howard (PDF 894KB) 
54 Ms Terri Wallace (PDF 222KB) 
55 Ms Kathleen Maczkowiack (PDF 1520KB) 
56 Mrs Lyn Anderson (PDF 1712KB) 
57 Name Withheld (PDF 2652KB) 
58 Name Withheld (PDF 631KB) 
59 Mrs Elizabeth Hughes (PDF 40KB) 
60 Ms Janette Mills (PDF 10KB) 
61 Mr David Andersen (PDF 44KB) 
62 Ms Patricia Williams (PDF 3305KB) 
63 Ms Allison Bosley (PDF 3992KB) 
64 Confidential
65 Confidential
66 Confidential
67 Name Withheld (PDF 2023KB) 
68 Mr Neil Richards (PDF 15KB) 
69 Origins Canada (PDF 267KB) 
70 Family Inclusion Network of New South Wales (PDF 297KB) 
71 Baby Scoop Era Research Institute (PDF 165KB) 
72 Ms Cassandra Cooke (PDF 229KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1489KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 134KB) 
73 Ms Lorraine Hassett (PDF 6233KB) 
74 Ms Jacalin Sherman (PDF 9910KB) 
75 Margaret (PDF 3829KB) 
76 Ms Sharon Thornton (PDF 6843KB) 
77 Ms Laraine Murray (PDF 1441KB) 
78 Ms Emily Wolfinger (PDF 50KB) 
79 Ms Margaret Hamilton (PDF 6860KB) 
80 Ms Josephine LittleHawk (PDF 657KB) 
81 Mr Murray Legro (PDF 49KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 25KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 45KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 44KB) 
82 Ms Kim Menta (PDF 2123KB) 
83 Ms June Smith (PDF 481KB) 
84 Mr Graeme Reynolds (PDF 120KB) 
85 Australian Institute of Family Studies (PDF 260KB) 
86 MacKillop Family Services (PDF 107KB) 
87 Confidential
88 Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea (TRACK) (PDF 476KB) 
89 Name Withheld (PDF 30KB) Attachment 1(PDF 115KB) Attachment 2(PDF 266KB) 
90 Ms Janice Konstantinidis (PDF 397KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 289KB) 
91 Ms Robyn Cohen (PDF 28KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 31KB) 
92 Mrs Rosemary Harbison (PDF 203KB) 
93 Ms Jan Kashin (PDF 8060KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 3315KB) 
94 Ms Jennie Burrows (PDF 55KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 98KB) 
95 Name Withheld (PDF 41KB) 
96 Ms Annette Winnett (PDF 1042KB) 
97 Ms Patricia Large (PDF 19391KB) 
98 Ms Margaret Watson (PDF 333KB) Attachment 1(PDF 812KB) 
99 Confidential
100 Confidential
101 Mrs Louise Greenup (PDF 5363KB) 
102 Confidential
103 Confidential
104 Mr John Hughes (PDF 1390KB) 
105 Confidential
106 Ms Robin Turner (PDF 78KB) 
107 Auntie Wendy Kelly (PDF 1038KB) 
108 Ms Lorraine Griffith (PDF 7882KB) 
109 Ms Annette Wilson (PDF 5023KB) 
110 Name Withheld (PDF 5076KB) 
111 Confidential
112 Mrs Beverley Redlich (PDF 4024KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 303KB) 
113 Ms Leonie Horin (PDF 68KB) 
Covering Letter (Confidential) 
114 Name Withheld (PDF 66KB) 
115 Australian Journal of Adoption (PDF 293KB) 
116 Ms Judith Burkin (PDF 2256KB) 
117 Ms Veronica Rushbrooke (PDF 4164KB) 
118 Ms Spring Blossom (PDF 323KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 25KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 36KB) 
119 Name Withheld (PDF 104KB) 
120 Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) 
121 Ms Linda Bryant (PDF 1403KB) 
122 Name Withheld (PDF 40KB) 
123 Name Withheld (PDF 370KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 6250KB) 
124 Mrs Elizabeth Edwards (PDF 59KB) 
Covering Letter (Confidential) 
125 Mr Brian FitzGerald (PDF 119KB) 
126 Ms Marie Coleman (PDF 386KB) 
127 Confidential
128 Ms Karen Saville (PDF 1374KB) 
129 Ms Sue MacDonald (PDF 682KB) Attachment 1(PDF 5737KB) Attachment 2(PDF 53KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 19KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 11KB) 
130 Ms Amelia Smith (PDF 15KB) Attachment 1(PDF 19KB) 
131 Name Withheld (PDF 28KB) 
132 Mrs Kirstin Ross (PDF 1212KB) 
133 Mr Erik Spinney (PDF 374KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 93KB) 
134 Ms Susan Bryce (PDF 23KB) 
135 Name Withheld (PDF 43KB) 
136 Mr John Rutherford (PDF 52KB) 
137 Mr Michael O'Meara (PDF 1835KB) Attachment 1(PDF 109KB) Attachment 2(PDF 203KB) Attachment 3(PDF 205KB) Attachment 4(PDF 103KB) Attachment 5(PDF 688KB) Attachment 6(PDF 119KB) Attachment 7(PDF 263KB) Attachment 8(PDF 196KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 486KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 140KB) 
138 NONE Anne Burrows (PDF 56KB) 
139 Dr Susan Gair (PDF 11KB) 
140 Ms Therese Pearson (PDF 6901KB) 
141 Name Withheld (PDF 1941KB) 
142 Name Withheld (PDF 87KB) 
143 Mr Gary Coles (PDF 139KB) 
144 Confidential
145 Ms Marlene Grant (PDF 936KB) 
146 Adoption Jigsaw (PDF 50KB) 
147 Ms Barbara Hardy (PDF 6727KB) 
148 Mr Thomas Graham (PDF 90KB) 
149 Ms Susanne Finch (PDF 137KB) 
150 Ms Marilyn Murphy (PDF 49KB) 
151 Mrs Rosemary Neil (PDF 2436KB) 
152 Mrs Sue Atkinson (PDF 3480KB) 
153 Ms Margaret Hatton (PDF 448KB) 
154 Confidential
155 Mrs Debbie Leaf (PDF 67KB) 
156 Ms Maria Neasham (PDF 2192KB) 
157 Ms Ann Allpike (PDF 22KB) 
158 Name Withheld (PDF 16KB) 
159 Ms Lina Eve (PDF 47KB) 
160 VANISH Inc (PDF 56KB) 
161 Mr Jonathan Gourlay (PDF 51KB) 
162 Confidential
163 Mr Dallas McDermott (PDF 135KB) 
164 Ms Kelly Wright (PDF 137KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 3524KB) 
165 Mrs Carmel Ipock (PDF 63KB) 
166 Adoption Origins Victoria Inc. (PDF 1427KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 520KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 371KB) 
167 Kaye (PDF 33KB) 
168 Ms Josephine Yeats (PDF 251KB) 
169 Atheist Exit Counselling Support Australia (PDF 69KB) 
170 Origins Supporting People Separated by Adoption Incorporated  (PDF 234KB) Attachment 1(PDF 128KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1962KB) Attachment 3(PDF 570KB) Attachment 4(PDF 242KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 246KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 8874KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 333KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 267KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1522KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 140KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 175KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 6347KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 107KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 6432KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 267KB) 
171 Mrs Elizabeth Brew (PDF 5296KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 87KB) 
172 White Australian Stolen Heritage (PDF 6859KB) 
173 Ms Cherylyn Harris (PDF 2673KB) 
174 Ms Joyce Osborne (PDF 423KB) 
175 Mrs Bernadette Wallman (PDF 3457KB) 
176 Mrs Patricia Gall (PDF 13799KB) 
177 Ms Victoria Fitzpatrick (PDF 31KB) 
178 Mrs Lynette Hughes (PDF 38KB) 
179 Confidential
180 Confidential
181 International Social Service Australia (PDF 726KB) 
182 Name Withheld (PDF 314KB) 
183 Ms Marlie McMarshall (PDF 147KB) 
184 Ms Kathryn Rendell (PDF 39KB) 
185 Miss Gabrielle Mittermayer (PDF 41KB) 
186 Confidential
187 Name Withheld (PDF 34KB) 
188 Jigsaw Queensland Inc. (PDF 14KB) 
189 Confidential
190 Mrs Margaret McGrath (PDF 105KB) 
191 The Benevolent Society (PDF 332KB) 
192 Ms Darelle Duncan (PDF 62KB) 
193 Link-Up Queensland (PDF 250KB) 
194 Name Withheld (PDF 72KB) 
195 Name Withheld (PDF 38KB) 
196 Australian Relinquishing Mothers' Association (ARMS) (PDF 95KB) 
197 Name Withheld (PDF 27KB) 
198 Mrs Gabrielle McGuire (PDF 279KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 30KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 97KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 88KB) 
199 Ms Lee-Anne Doyle (PDF 69KB) 
200 Mrs Lorraine Vince (PDF 25KB) 
201 Name Withheld (PDF 15KB) 
202 Name Withheld (PDF 58KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 60KB) 
203 Adoption Research and Counselling Service (ARCS) (PDF 127KB) 
204 Confidential
205 Judy M (PDF 143KB) 
206 Name Withheld (PDF 29KB) 
207 Ms Kerri Saint (PDF 4879KB) 
208 Name Withheld (PDF 1342KB) 
209 Ms Leanne Brennan (PDF 1276KB) 
210 Ms Lynne Devine (PDF 1786KB) 
211 Confidential
212 New South Wales Government (PDF 189KB) 
213 E. Shirley Moulds (PDF 1096KB) Attachment 1(PDF 4258KB) Attachment 2(PDF 65KB) 
214 Mr Anthony Nix (PDF 132KB) 
215 Ms Rita Carroll (PDF 556KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1046KB) 
216 Confidential
217 Mr Wesley Rush (PDF 1937KB) 
218 Miss Susan Treweek (PDF 381KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 478KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 312KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 13KB) 
219 Name Withheld (PDF 206KB) 
220 Confidential
221 Ms E. Mittermayer (PDF 2245KB) 
222 Origins Queensland SPSA (PDF 216KB) 
223 Ms Christine Cole (PDF 115KB) Attachment 1(PDF 509KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 422KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 994KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 231KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 579KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 650KB) 
Response from The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP to supplementary submission 4(PDF 138KB) 
Response from Dr Kathy MacDermott to supplementary submission 3(PDF 13KB) 
224 Women's Electoral Lobby Australia (PDF 82KB) 
225 Name Withheld (PDF 79KB) 
226 Adoption Loss Adult Support (ALAS) (QLD) (PDF 2256KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1575KB) 
227 National Stolen Generations Alliance (PDF 363KB) Attachment 1(PDF 15437KB) 
2271 Supplementary Submission(PDF 2686KB) 
2272 Supplementary Submission(PDF 346KB) 
228 Name Withheld (PDF 620KB) 
229 Mrs Mary Dunn (PDF 1339KB) 
230 Confidential
231 Name Withheld (PDF 26KB) Attachment 1(PDF 23KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 18KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 30KB) 
232 Name Withheld (PDF 91KB) 
233 Dr Clare Graydon (PDF 52KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 22KB) 
234 Mrs Catherine Edwards (PDF 71KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 66KB) 
235 Ms Kate Howarth (PDF 50KB) 
236 Mr Mark Hartley (PDF 5455KB) 
237 Name Withheld (PDF 49KB) 
238 Ms Carolyn Brown (PDF 7066KB) 
239 Confidential
240 Ms Jane Carroll (PDF 750KB) 
241 Ms Joy Goode (PDF 5067KB) 
242 Confidential
243 Ms Robyn Webb (PDF 1453KB) 
244 Canadian Council of Natural Mothers (PDF 131KB) 
245 Ms Margaret Larsen (PDF 2649KB) 
246 Ms Helen Walker-Mcready (PDF 2508KB) 
247 Confidential
248 Name Withheld (PDF 8675KB) 
249 Mrs Glenys Campbell (PDF 28KB) 
250 Name Withheld (PDF 84KB) 
251 Ms Rosemary Bateman (PDF 146KB) 
252 Women and Children's Branch, FaHCSIA (PDF 2977KB) Attachment 1(PDF 203KB) Attachment 2(PDF 500KB) 
253 Alliance for Forgotten Australians (PDF 44KB) 
254 Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd (PDF 327KB) Attachment 1(PDF 461KB) 
255 Name Withheld (PDF 68KB) 
256 Name Withheld (PDF 130KB) 
257 Australian Adoptee Survivors (PDF 1382KB) 
258 Ms Linda Graham (PDF 172KB) 
259 Ms Juanita Ellis (PDF 15KB) 
260 Ms Juanna Fatouros (PDF 14KB) 
261 Ms Samilya Muller (PDF 43KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 27KB) 
262 Mr Maurice Wills (PDF 33KB) 
263 Ms Teri Hay (PDF 10607KB) 
264 Name Withheld (PDF 42KB) 
265 Ms Janet McHugh (PDF 39KB) 
266 Mr Charles Leon (PDF 709KB) 
267 Ms Gemma Dore (PDF 138KB) 
268 Ms Kim Lawrence (PDF 485KB) 
269 Ms Margaret Collins (PDF 120KB) 
270 Mrs Susan Evans (PDF 105KB) 
271 Ms Irene Kalves (PDF 587KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 2724KB) 
272 Ms Carole Griffiths (PDF 88KB) 
273 Name Withheld (PDF 304KB) 
274 Ms Allison Nye (PDF 85KB) 
275 Ms Suzanne Kier Himmelreich (PDF 133KB) 
276 Mr Craig Miller (PDF 31KB) 
277 Mr Phil Evans (PDF 59KB) 
278 Ms Raelene Trusler-Steer (PDF 56KB) 
279 Catholic Health Australia (PDF 2749KB) 
280 Ms Debra Wellfare (PDF 407KB) 
281 Origins Scotland (PDF 85KB) 
282 Ms Isabell Collins (PDF 66KB) 
283 Name Withheld (PDF 36KB) Attachment 2(PDF 31KB) 
284 Name Withheld (PDF 8KB) 
285 Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) 
286 Name Withheld (PDF 35KB) 
287 Name Withheld (PDF 43KB) 
288 Dr Denise Wallis (PDF 39KB) 
289 Confidential
290 Ms Lynette Hinings-Marshall (PDF 23KB) 
291 Ms Pamela Carmichael (PDF 32KB) 
292 Ms Deborah Snelson (PDF 43KB) 
293 Confidential
294 Name Withheld (PDF 409KB) 
295 Mr Dan Lancaster (PDF 33KB) 
296 Mr Paul Carberry (PDF 34KB) 
298 Adoptees of Color Roundtable Adopted and Fostered Adults of the African Diaspora (PDF 159KB) 
299 Helping Adoptees Lead Together (PDF 39KB) 
300 KUMFA and Dandelions (PDF 42KB) 
301 Nodutdol for Korean Community Development (PDF 58KB) 
302 United Adoptees International (PDF 139KB) 
303 Council of Single Mothers and their Children (Victoria) (PDF 112KB) 
304 Confidential
305 Confidential
306 Confidential
307 Name Withheld (PDF 1453KB) 
308 Ms Jane Snelson (PDF 2505KB) 
309 Confidential
310 Name Withheld (PDF 676KB) 
312 Confidential
313 Name Withheld (PDF 73KB) 
314 Name Withheld (PDF 79KB) 
315 Confidential
316 Ms Jan Stewart (PDF 52KB) 
317 Mrs Virginia Perry (PDF 87KB) 
318 Confidential
319 Name Withheld (PDF 14KB) 
320 Ms Pamela Kenyon (PDF 12KB) 
321 Ms Dorothy Macpherson (PDF 13KB) 
322 Ms Sandra Parker (PDF 24KB) 
323 Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) 
324 Ms Marion Simms (PDF 32KB) 
325 Confidential
326 Ms Mary King (PDF 45KB) 
327 Name Withheld (PDF 20KB) 
328 Name Withheld (PDF 12KB) 
329 Mrs Gabrielle Phillips (PDF 26KB) 
330 Name Withheld (PDF 57KB) 
331 Ms Judith Vickers (PDF 63KB) 
332 Ms Judith Newcombe (PDF 32KB) 
333 The National Council of Single Mothers and their Children (PDF 130KB) 
334 Ms Debra Thurley (PDF 46KB) 
335 Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 151KB) 
336 Name Withheld (PDF 62KB) 
337 Dr Don Tustin (PDF 42KB) 
338 Name Withheld (PDF 49KB) 
339 Confidential
340 Name Withheld (PDF 36KB) 
341 Name Withheld (PDF 342KB) 
342 Mrs Madeleine Schwer (PDF 33KB) 
343 The Benevolent Society (PDF 26KB) 
344 Name Withheld (PDF 44KB) 
345 Ms Charmaine Williamson (PDF 79KB) 
346 Name Withheld (PDF 25KB) 
347 Mr David Jefferys (PDF 111KB) 
348 Intentionally Left Blank (PDF 16KB) 
349 Richard Hughes and Associates (PDF 43KB) 
350 Ms Helen Lindstrom (PDF 66KB) 
351 Confidential
352 Name Withheld (PDF 39KB) 
353 Ms Cherry Blaskett (PDF 74KB) 
354 Ms Janys Allan (PDF 43KB) 
355 Ms Margaret Singline (PDF 24KB) 
356 Ms Laurie Watkins (PDF 325KB) 
Covering Letter (PDF 2501KB) 
357 Name Withheld (PDF 60KB) 
358 Ms Margaret Bishop (PDF 15KB) 
359 Name Withheld (PDF 16KB) 
360 Mr Brian Jenkins (PDF 77KB) Attachment 1(PDF 158KB) 
Covering Letter (Confidential) 
361 Confidential
362 Mrs Julie Noble (PDF 48KB) 
363 The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) (PDF 189KB) Attachment 1(PDF 523KB) Attachment 2(PDF 248KB) 
364 Ms Vera Pickford (PDF 6248KB) 
365 Name Withheld (PDF 3459KB) 
366 Ms Betty Mills (PDF 6166KB) 
367 Miss C Garvie (PDF 6741KB) 
368 Ms Muriel Dekker (PDF 2647KB) 
369 Ms Robyn Hossack (PDF 3275KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1923KB) 
370 Ms Tammy Hamers (PDF 1867KB) 
371 Ms Pamela . (PDF 3254KB) 
372 Confidential
373 Ms JB (nee Williams) (PDF 86KB) 
374 Ms Judy Osbourne (PDF 22KB) Attachment 1(PDF 221KB) Attachment 2(PDF 71KB) 
375 Confidential
376 Uniting Care Wesley Adelaide Inc and Uniting Church of South Australia (PDF 96KB) 
377 Confidential
378 Confidential
379 Mrs Jenny Marshall (PDF 39KB) 
380 Confidential
381 Ms Barbara Pendrey (PDF 56KB) 
382 Ms Fay Roberts (PDF 2619KB) 
383 Mr Brian Cherrie (PDF 4379KB) Attachment 1(PDF 3144KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1039KB) 
384 Mr Steve Deliloucas (PDF 7885KB) 
385 Ms Evelyn Mundy (PDF 31KB) 
386 Confidential
387 Ms Kim Taylor (PDF 1958KB) 
388 Name Withheld (PDF 9KB) 
389 Ms Tamara Furey (PDF 57KB) 
390 Ms Gemma Black (PDF 88KB) 
391 Mrs Kerri Small (PDF 174KB) Attachment 1(PDF 497KB) 
392 Ms Christine Burke (PDF 1376KB) 
393 Mrs Thelma Adams (PDF 180KB) 
394 Mrs Ruth Orr (PDF 69KB) 
395 Ms Isabel Field (PDF 58KB) 
396 The Salvation Army Tasmania (PDF 1449KB) 
397 Name Withheld (PDF 135KB) 
398 Confidential
399 Royal Women's Hospital, Victoria (PDF 1271KB) 
400 Dr Raie Goodwach (PDF 15KB) Attachment 1(PDF 87KB) Attachment 2(PDF 74KB) Attachment 3(PDF 70KB) 
401 Name Withheld (PDF 12KB) 
402 Ms Angela Brown (PDF 174KB) 
403 Name Withheld (PDF 39KB) 
404 Name Withheld (PDF 100KB) 
405 Ms Miriam Stevenson (PDF 76KB) 
406 Confidential
407 Ms Gai Mailer (PDF 1388KB) 
408 Mr Wayne Lewis (PDF 39KB) 
409 Ms Deanne Barone (PDF 720KB) 
410 Confidential
411 National Adoption Awareness Week (PDF 184KB) 
412 Ms A Allitt (PDF 3050KB) 
413 Name Withheld (PDF 1808KB) 
414 Ms Karin Mcrae (PDF 88KB) 
415 Mrs Monica Craig (PDF 965KB) 
416 Ms Lois Hamilton (PDF 1066KB) 
417 Ms Merrial B Ehm (PDF 935KB) 
418 Confidential

Additional Information Received

1 Article from Jigsaw Newsletter 2006 "What do I want?". Provided by Isabel Andrews of Adoption Jigsaw, received 5 April 2011.(PDF 13KB) 
2 A history of St Anthony's Home Croydon, July 1989, written by Sr Kath Burford RSJ. Provided by Origins NSW.(PDF 664KB) 
3 Geoffrey A Rickarby: "Psychosocial Development of Adopted Children" and "Post-Traumatic Phenomena Following Separation from a Baby". Provided by Origins NSW.(PDF 98KB) 
4 Statement made by Murray Ryburn, National Adoption Conference, 1994. Provided by Jennie Burrows.(PDF 81KB) 
5 Australian Capital Territory Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965 Explanatory Memorandum(PDF 540KB) 
6 Australian Capital Territory Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965(PDF 1858KB) 
7 Draft model adoption of children bill, from archived files of the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, dated 31 January 1964. It is not known whether this was the final version circulated amongst jurisdictions.(PDF 7509KB) 
8 Guidelines on Religious Discrimination under Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1984(PDF 187KB) 
9 Violations of women's human rights: birth mothers and adoption. Tabled at Canberra public hearing 28 September 2011 by Jennie Burrows(PDF 12519KB) 
10 Rights of Relinquishing Mothers to Access to Information Concerning their Adopted Childre. Tabled at Canberra public hearing 28 September 2011 by Jennie Burrows(PDF 9489KB) 
11 Opening Statement-Martin Laverty, CEO Catholic Health Australia at Canberra public hearing 28 September 2011(PDF 1347KB) 
12 Notes for Hearing 26 October 2011. Name withheld. Tabled at Adelaide public hearing 26 October 2011.(PDF 395KB) 
13 Family Inclusion Network, Additional Information received. Tabled at Sydney Pubic Hearing 29 April.(PDF 431KB) 
14 Origins Medical Survey on Stilboestrol. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Origins Supporting People Separated by Adoption Incorporated(PDF 1029KB) 
15 Slavery and Child Exploitation. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Origins Supporting People Separated by Adoption Incorporated(PDF 795KB) 
16 Submission to the New South Wales Parliament Standing Committee on Social Issues' Inquiry into Past Adoption Practices by Dr G. A. Rickarby. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Origins Supporting People Separated by Adoption Incorporated(PDF 12049KB) 
17 Relinquishment as a stressful life-event. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Origins Supporting People Separated by Adoption Incorporated(PDF 600KB) 
18 Babies for the Deserving: Developments in Foster Care and Adoption in one Australian State - Others to Follow? by Dr Frank Ainsworth and Ms Patricia Hansen. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Family Inclusion Network of NSW(PDF 3407KB) 
19 Additional Information provided by Ms Christine Cole. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Apology Alliance(PDF 392KB) 
20 Ms Cassandra Cooke's Hearing Notes. Tabled at Sydney Public Hearing 29 April 2011 by Apology Alliance(PDF 1134KB) 
21 You Only Have One Mother by Gabrielle McGuire (Published 1998 by Conference Publications). Tabled at Sydney Hearing 29 April 2011 by Mrs Gabrielle McGuire. [Please note only the cover of the book is attached](PDF 144KB) 
22 Correspondence and Documents relating to the identification of Mr M Cotterell's birth mother. Tabled at Brisbane Public Hearing 27 April 2011 by Origins Queensland SPSA(PDF 6459KB) 
23 Why Won't My Mother Meet Me? by Carole Anderson. Tabled at Brisbane Public Hearing 27 April 2011 by Origins Queensland SPSA(PDF 2251KB) 
24 Correspondence to the Department of Children Services (QLD) dated 4 February 1961. Tabled at Brisbane Public Hearing 27 April 2011 by Origins Queensland SPSA(PDF 937KB) 
25 Additional Information provided by Ms Kerri Saint. Tabled at Brisbane Public Hearing 27 April 2011 by White Australian Stolen Generation(PDF 2124KB) 
26 The Importance of the Western Australian Apology to Mothers and Fathers brutally seperated from their infants by Sue Macdonald. Tabled at Perth Hearing 1 April 2011 by Apology Alliance WA(PDF 3671KB) 
27 Overview of Service Model. Tabled at Perth Hearing 1 April 2011 by Adoption Research and Counselling Services Inc.(PDF 2003KB) 
28 ARCS - Issues for our service. Tabled at Perth Hearing 1 April 2011 by Adoption Research and Counselling Service Inc.(PDF 592KB) 
29 Agency Report: Consumer Perception Survey, November 2010. Tabled at Perth Hearing 1 April 2011 by Adoption Research and Counselling Service Inc.(PDF 820KB) 
30 Correspondence to Ms Brenda Coughlan. Tabled at Melbourne Hearing 20 April 2011 by Ms Brenda Coughlan.(PDF 1080KB) 
31 Rights of Relinquishing Mothers to Access to Information Concerning their Adopted Children, Human Rights Commission Discussion Paper, 1984, by Dr Kathy MacDermott. Tabled at Melbourne Hearing 20 April 2011 by Women's Electoral Lobby Australia.(PDF 33067KB) 
32 'Adopted Persons' Access to and use of their Original Birth Certificates: An Analysis of Australian Policy and Legislation.' Masters thesis by Miriam Kathleen Mandryk, 2011(PDF 525KB) 
33 Information about the Enhancing Adoption as a Service for Children Working Group and the National Principles in Adoption, provided by FaHCSIA, received 3/02/2012(PDF 14KB) 
34 National Principles in Adoption, provided by FaHCSIA, received 3/02/2012(PDF 24KB) 


1 Response from the Deputy Premier of Western Australia, Minister for Health; Tourism - to potential adverse comment(PDF 662KB) 
2 Response from the Department of Health, Norther Territory - to potential adverse comment(PDF 1481KB) 
3 Response from the Department of Children and Families, Northern Territory Government - to potential adverse comment(PDF 1596KB) 
4 Response from the Minister for Children and Families, The Hon Kon Vatskalis MLA - to potential adverse comment(PDF 1832KB) 
5 Response from Jewish Care (Victoria) - to potential adverse comment(PDF 65KB) 
6 Letter from Sisters of St Joseph regarding location of records(PDF 252KB) 
7 Response from Department of Human Services Victoria regarding current access to information provisions(PDF 1591KB) 
8 Response from Department of Education and Child Development South Australia regarding current access to information provisions(PDF 8849KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Isabel Andrews of Adoption Jigsaw, following public hearing 1 April 2011. Received 5 April 2011.(PDF 27KB) 
2 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Origins SPSA Inc, following public hearing 29 April 2011. Received 28 June 2011.(PDF 229KB) 
3 Answer to Question on Notice provided by VANISH Inc., following public hearing 20 April 2011. Received 9 June 2011.(PDF 348KB) 
4 Answers to Question on Notice provided by Attorney-General's Department, following public hearing 28 September 2011. Received 21 October 2011.(PDF 2775KB) 
5 Answers to Questions on Notice from Martin Laverty, CEO Catholic Health Australia, following public hearing 28 September 2011. Received 21 October 2011.(PDF 4168KB) 
6 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, following public hearing 22 September 2011. Received 16 November 2011.(PDF 134KB) 
7 Answers to Questions on Notice by Janice Kashin. Received 25 October 2011.(PDF 621KB) 
8 Answers to Questions on Notice by Janice Kashin. Received 24 October 2011.(PDF 5894KB) 
9 Answers to Questions on Notice by Janice Kashin. Received 26 October 2011.(PDF 4982KB) 
10 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Received 9 December 2011.(PDF 673KB) 
11 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by DEEWR. Attachment A(PDF 3820KB) 
12 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by DEEWR. Attachment B(PDF 1811KB) 
13 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by DEEWR. Attachment C(PDF 297KB) 
14 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by DEEWR. Attachment D(PDF 667KB) 
15 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by DEEWR. Attachment E(PDF 33KB) 
16 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by DEEWR. Attachment F(PDF 64KB) 
17 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Australian Association of Social Workers Tasmania following Public Hearing 16 December 2012. Received 21 December 2011(PDF 15KB) 
18 Attachment 1 to Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Australian Association of Social Workers Tasmania following Public Hearing 16 December 2012. Received 21 December 2011(PDF 248KB) 
19 Attachment 2 to Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Australian Association of Social Workers Tasmania following Public Hearing 16 December 2012. Received 21 December 2011(PDF 523KB) 
20 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by Catholic Private Adoption Agency. Received 12 January 2012.(PDF 221KB) 
21 Answer to Questions on Notice provided by Margaret Singline. Received 18 January 2012.(PDF 6KB) 
22 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Salvation Army Tasmania. Received 6 January 2012.(PDF 718KB) 
23 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services. Recieved 12 January 2012.(PDF 25157KB) 
24 Clarification of answers to Question on Notice provided by Attorney-General's Department, following public hearing 28 September 2011. Received 24 January 2012.(PDF 269KB) 
25 Answers to Questions on Notice #1, #2 and #5 provided by Department of Health and Ageing. Received 25 January 2012.(PDF 48KB) 
26 Answers to Questions on Notice #3 and #4 provided by Department of Health and Ageing. Received 1 February 2012(PDF 9KB) 
27 Answers to Questions on Notice provided by NT Department of Children and Families. Received 03 February 2012(PDF 1334KB) 

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