Examination of legislation in accordance with the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011

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Examination of legislation in accordance with the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011

Bills introduced 29 October—1 November 2012

Legislative Instruments registered with the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments 17 October—16 November 2012

Seventh Report of 2012

28 November 2012

© Commonwealth of Australia 2012
ISBN 978-1-74229-718-7

View the report as a single document - (PDF 15741KB)

Corrigendum - (PDF 130KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Membership of the committee (PDF 92KB)
Functions of the committee
Abbreviations (PDF 47KB)
Executive Summary (PDF 103KB)
Part 1 - Bills introduced 29 October - 1 November 2012
The committee has commented on the following bills
Anti-Money Laundering Amendment (Gaming Machine Venues) Bill 2012 (PDF 118KB)
Appropriation (Implementation of the Report of the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers) Bill (No. 1) 2012-2013 (PDF 120KB)
Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration) Bill 2012 (PDF 115KB)
Customs Amendment (Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation and Other Measures) Bill 2012 (PDF 128KB)
Fair Indexation of Military Superannuation Entitlements Bill 2012 (PDF 85KB)
Fair Work Amendment Bill 2012 (PDF 118KB)
Migration Amendment (Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals and Other Measures) Bill 2012 (PDF 115KB)
National Electricity Bill 2012 (PDF 111KB)
National Gambling Reform Bill 2012 (PDF 144KB)
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed Money and Other Measures) Bill 2012 (PDF 117KB)
The committee has no comment on the following bills which are considered unlikely to raise any human rights concerns
Customs Tariff Amendment (Malaysia Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2012 (PDF 84KB)
National Gambling Reform (Related Matters Bill (No. 1) 2012 (PDF 79KB)
National Gambling Reform (Related Matters Bill (No. 2) 2012 (PDF 79KB)
Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Bill 2012 (PDF 125KB)
Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012 (PDF 82KB)
Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012 (PDF 88KB)
The committee acknowledges the following response to comments made on a bill in the Second Report of 2012
Fair Work Amendment (Small Business – Penalty Rates Exemption) Bill 2012 (PDF 83KB)
The committee acknowledges the following response to comments made on a bill in the Third Report of 2012
International Fund for Agricultural Development Amendment Bill 2012 (PDF 86KB)
The committee acknowledges the following responses to comments made on bills in the Fifth Report of 2012
Higher Education Support Amendment (Streamlining and Other Measures) Bill 2012 (PDF 87KB)
Law Enforcement Integrity Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (PDF 112KB)
The committee acknowledges the following responses to comments made on bills in the Sixth Report of 2012
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious Drugs, Identity Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2012 (PDF 88KB)
Fair Entitlements Guarantee Bill 2012 (PDF 82KB)
Part 2 — Legislative Instruments registered with FRLI 17 October–16 November 2012
The committee has sought further information in relation to the following legislative instruments
Marine Order 21, issue 8 (PDF 119KB)
Health Insurance (Dental Services) Amendment Determination 2012 (No. 1) (PDF 131KB)
The committee has deferred its consideration of the following legislative instruments
Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory (Food Security Areas) Rule 2012 (PDF 80KB)
Social Security (Administration) (Schooling Requirement) Amendment Determination 2012 (No. 1) (PDF 97KB)
Social Security (Administration) Schooling requirements – Person Responsible) Specification 2012 (PDF 122KB)
The committee acknowledges the following response to comments made on a legislative instrument in the Second Report of 2012
Broadcasting Services (Simulcast Period End Date - Remote Licence Areas) Determination 2012 (PDF 97KB)
The committee acknowledges the following response to comments made on a legislative instrument in the Fifth Report of 2012
Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (PDF 87KB)
Appendix 1 — Responses to comments made in the Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Reports of 2012* (PDF 15253KB)
Appendix 2 — Full list of Legislative Instruments registered with FRLI 17 October–16 November 2012 (PDF 147KB)
Appendix 3 — Outstanding responses to letters seeking further information (PDF 116KB)

*PDF Format Only

For further information contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


+61 2 6277 3823


+61 2 6277 5767

