Poker Machine (Reduced Losses –Interim Measures) Bill 2010

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Poker Machine (Reduced Losses –Interim Measures) Bill 2010

30 August 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

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Poker Machine (Reduced Losses –Interim Measures) Bill 2010


1.1        On 19 November 2009 the Senate, on the recommendation of the Selection of Bills Committee, referred the Poker Machine (Reduced Losses – Interim Measures) Bill 2009 to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 18 March 2010.[1] On 22 June 2010, the Senate granted an extension of time for reporting until 28 October 2010.[2]

Previous inquiry

1.2        In accordance with usual practice, the inquiry was advertised in The Australian and on the internet. The committee noted that the bill reflected draft recommendations from the Productivity Commission's draft report on Gambling released on 21 October 2009. The committee agreed not to proceed with the inquiry until the Productivity Commission's final report was publicly released. On 19 July 2010, the Governor-General prorogued the 42nd Parliament and dissolved the House of Representatives. After due consideration, the committee has resolved not to continue its inquiry into the bill.


1.3        On 29 September 2010, the bill was reintroduced into the Senate.[3] Following the establishment of the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform, on 28 October 2010 the bill was referred to the committee for inquiry and report in line with the committee's terms of reference.[4]

The bill

1.4        The purpose of this bill is to put in place interim measures to regulate the rate of poker machine losses by limiting the maximum bet on any spin and adjusting spin rates and volatility of poker machines.

Discharging the inquiry

1.5        The committee has decided to discharge this inquiry given the work undertaken in this area for the committee's first inquiry into the design and implementation of a mandatory pre-commitment system for electronic gaming machines.[5]

Recommendation 1

1.6        The committee recommends that this inquiry not be proceeded with and be discharged from the notice paper.

Mr Andrew Wilkie MP


[1]        Journals of the Senate, 19 November 2009, p. 2788.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, 22 June 2010, p. 3652.

[3]        Journals of the Senate, 29 September 2010, p. 94.

[4]        Journals of the Senate, 28 October 2010, p. 240.

[5]        Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform, First Report: The design and implementation of a mandatory pre-commitment system for electronic gaming machines, 6 May 2011.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555
Fax: +61 2 6277 3899