Committee support standards

To Members of Parliament

These standards represent a commitment by staff in the Department of the House of Representatives to provide high quality support services to the investigatory and scrutiny committees supported by the Department.

They also represent a means by which you can assess our services.

The committee support standards are a starting point for us as we strive continuously to improve our service.

We regularly review our performance, occasionally by way of survey, and we would welcome any comments you have on either our performance or our standards.

These standards complement the Department of the House of Representatives Service Charter which appears in full in the Members’ Handbook.

Clerk Assistant (Committees)
Tel: 02 6277 4399

What we do

We provide advice, and research, analytical, report drafting and administrative services to help parliamentary committees fulfil their role in the scrutiny of government activities and the consideration of legislation.

The advice and services we provide are non-partisan, focusing on the needs of the committees appointed by the House rather than the political or electorate interests of Members.

Our commitment

We are committed to providing you with the best level of service possible, within the limit of available resources.

We will do this in a manner consistent with the Parliamentary Service Values and the Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct. In particular, we will show:

We can be contacted during normal business hours or after hours by arrangement with committee secretaries.

Our service standards

We will:

We will also:


If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements please let us know.

If you have any concerns with any aspect of the information, advice or services we have provided to you, you may care to raise your concerns with the secretary of your committee in the first instance.  If this is not successful, contact the Clerk Assistant (Committees) on:

Phone: +61 2 6277 4399
