Part of a package of three bills to include non-transport gaseous fuels in the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill amends the: Clean Energy Act 2011 to: further define the criteria a person must meet to be declared a designated opt-in person; provide for the enforcement of reporting, record-keeping and notification requirements; and provide that emissions from non-transport liquid petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas are brought into the mandatory carbon pricing mechanism from 1 July 2013 and non-transport compressed natural gas from 1 July 2012; National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 to: enable potential greenhouse gas emissions that allow liability to be assigned before the emissions are produced; and nominate the operational control of a facility when it is not clear who has operational control; Fuel Tax Act 2006 to: provide that fuel tax credit (FTC) entitlements will not be reduced for business use of non-transport gaseous fuels when they move into the carbon pricing mechanism; and provide that the agriculture, fishing and forestry industries become entitled to an FTC equivalent to the amount of carbon charge embedded in the price of fuel; Carbon Credits (Carbon Faming Initiative) Act 2011 to: require that regulatory approvals are made during the first reporting period; remove the requirement for the Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee to publish matters incorporated by reference in methodology determinations; and enable methodologies for existing abatement projects to be eligible for backdating; Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 to: enable regulations to restrict or limit the operation of identified registry accounts; and enable the deferment of instructions to transfer certain units; and Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011 and Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 to provide for the sharing of relevant and appropriate information between the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Regulator.